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Midleton Hurling & Football, Ladies Football & Camogie Club NEWS

10 December, 2017

Annual General Meeting (Cruinniú Cinn Bhliana)
The AGM of the Hurling & Football Club took place last Wednesday evening in the Club Lounge where there was a healthy turnout of members.
Chairman Liam Ryan welcomed everyone and thanked all those who assisted with the running of the Club over the past year, he also welcomed our new Club President Canon Gerry Killeen. A special word of thanks went to John Fenton who stood down from the role of Treasurer which he held magnificently for the past six years and to Terence Mc Carthy who stepped down from Registrar.
Secretary Michael Franklin presented a very detailed report of the past year.
The officers elected were; Chairman Liam Ryan, Vice Chairman Vincent Reddy, Secretary Michael Franklin, Treasurer Liam Wade, PRO Coleman Quirke, Coaching Officer Martin Mc Sweeney, Registrar Tracy Saunderson, IT Officer Shane Goulding, County Board Delegate Pat Horgan, East Cork Boards Reps Ken Murray & John Curtin, Children’s Officer Ingrid Connaughton, Healthy Club Rep Mairead Beausang and Irish & Cultural Officer Diarmaid Ó Dálaigh.

The following selection committee’s which had been ratified by the Executive were presented to the meeting, Senior Hurling Paddy Fitzgerald, Ger Fitzgerald, Sean O’Brien, Terence Mc Carthy & Peter Smyth, U21 Hurling Liam O’Keeffe, Davy O’Brien & Muiris Quirke and Minor Hurling & Football Padraig O’Brien, John Ferriter, Liam Wade, Paul Britton , Cristeoir Ó Cáshaigh, Padraig Finn & Mark O Sullivan were elected.
The Intermediate, Junior B & C Hurling and Fe 21 and Junior Football selectors will be proposed in mid January, those interested in any of these positions must contact the Secretary before the 5th of January.  
Vincent Reddy made a presentation on the “One Club” proposal, this proposal which sought permission to work towards the integration was passed.
In June 2017 One Club Guidelines were published jointly at national level by the GAA, Camogie and LGFA Associations. Here is an extract from the introduction to the One Club Guidelines to give a flavour of what is involved:
‘Each of the associations recognises the benefits of a One Club approach in promoting the playing of Gaelic games at both juvenile and adult level. Adopting a One Club approach facilitates catering for the whole family in an integrated fashion.’
‘Notwithstanding their separate formal identities, the defacto integration of GAA, Ladies Gaelic Football and Camogie is happening on a widespread basis around the country.’
‘the associations are committed to encouraging and supporting the model whereby clubs cater for all family members, both male and female’.
‘The Guidelines are not mandatory, but are provided for the benefit of those clubs wishing to enter into a One Club structure in a spirit of goodwill.’
‘We hope that the One Club Guidelines will assist clubs in their efforts to promote our games within One Gaelic Games Family.’
The One Club Guidelines provide a framework for the GAA, Camogie and LGFA to work towards integration. Midleton GAA, Ladies Football and Camogie Clubs will agree to voluntarily enter the One Club Structure in a spirit of goodwill for 2018. At the end of 2018 all parties will review their position and see if they wish to continue.

The meeting concluded with a presentation from Sean Corcoran on our plans for the Youghal Rd development which has now gone to planning.   

County Convention & Draws
Last Sunday afternoon history was made when Tracey Kennedy from Killeagh became Chairperson of the County Board. Kevin O’Donovan from Kilmeen Kilbree was elected Vice Chairman, Diarmaid Gowen from Fermoy as Treasurer, Donal Leahy retained his role as PRO and our own Pat Horgan was elected as Development Officer.
In the Senior Hurling we were drawn to play Bishopstown and in the Intermediate Hurling Championship we have been drawn to play Blackrock.

Planning Application
After many months of meetings and deliberations Corcoran Engineers and Architects (CEA) lodged our planning application for the development of the lands at the Youghal Rd.
Permission has been sought for (1) Construction of a club house consisting of changing rooms, referee room, plant & storage areas, toilets, indoor multi use space and ancillary accommodation, (2) construction of a Ball Wall training facility, (3) construction of 1no. multi use synthetic pitch fully fenced and 4 no. playing grass pitches, (4) provision of a parking area and access road, (5) modification of existing site entrance, (6) construction of fencing for electricity generator, (7) construction of walking trail, (8) construction of ball catching posts & nets, floodlights to sports pitches, (9) construction of storm water soak pits, waste water treatment and pumping unit, connection to public mains and public foul services, (10) signage on entrance wall and on buildings, (11) change of use of existing agriculture shed to storage shed including partial demolition and alterations, (12) all ancillary works to the above, all in the townland of Park South at Youghal Rd, Midleton, Co. cork.

Post Primary Schools Hurling
On Wednesday next Midleton CBS and North Monastery will compete for the Dr O’ Callaghan Cup Hurling final in Riverstown @ 7.30pm, this should prove to be a cracker of a game with both teams awaiting the Harty Cup quarter final draws next week.        

Christmas Traditional Music (Ceoil na Nollaig)
This coming Friday 15th there will be a Christmas Music and a singing session in the Club lounge from 9.30pm, everyone is welcome. Píog agus fíon na Nollaig ar Fáil, Mulled wine and mince oies available, Failte roimh chách. Gura mile.  

Annual Long Puck (Puc Fada)
The annual Sean Keohane Memorial Puc Fada will take place on St Stephens’s morning December 26th over the usual course. The Juvenile section will have a Fun puck whilst the Adults will compete in teams of 3 @ €10each, the buses will depart the Club at 9.30am sharp for Lisgoold. Please note that Vis vests are essential, everybody is welcome and refreshments will be served in the Club immediately afterwards.

Ladies Football (Peil na mBan)
Junior Football – we are actively recruiting players for the 2018 season. If you have played football in the past and would like to take it up or if you are simply looking to increase your fitness levels in a team environment give us a call.
Contact Paddy Corcoran @ 085 807 5444 for more information
Monday night will be our last training session for all age groups for 2017. U8’s are at the Community Centre from 6-7pm. U10’s upwards are at the Hockey Pitch from 7-8pm.
Let’s make it a festive one. Please wear your Christmas Jumpers, hats etc.

Lip Sync Fundraiser
Midleton GAA, Ladies Football and Camogie clubs are coming together with Midleton Rugby Club for a joint Fundraiser in 2018. The Radisson Hotel will be the place to be on March 18th. How does it work?
We need 30-35 people, we are looking for club members, parents of club members, friends, and local business people from the surrounding areas and we need both men and women! Acts will be trained by a professional choreographer in the weeks preceding the event and so will be fully prepared to perform on the night of the Live Show. We need to have our act volunteers in place by mid January so if you are interested in volunteering we need to hear from you ASAP. Please contact Tracy on 087-6625544 or email

Christmas Food Appeal
On behalf of Midleton GAA, Juvenile, Ladies Football & Camogie Clubs sincere thanks to all those who donated to our Christmas Food Appeal in aid of Midleton St Vincent de Paul.  Special thanks to Ruth Walsh, Tracy Saunderson, Mary Quinn, Coleman Quirke and Shane Goulding for all their help.  We hope that our donation will make a difference to many families in our community this Christmas.  Nollaig Shona daoibh go léir.

St Stephens Night Entertainment
Local band FLAKE the GANDER will play in the Club on St Stephens night supported by The Two Dans, Eoghan Hennessy and DJ Aaron Stanton, doors open at 7.30pm, tickets are only €15 and are available from Pat O Brien at 086/8118815 and 083/8406390.

Lotto (An Lató)
Our Lotto Jackpot was €3,800, there was no winner, the Lucky Dip winners were Maurice Harte, Tracy saunderson, Dan Aherne, Ann O Brien & Declan / Angela Ryan, next week’s Jackpot will be €4,000
Tickets are on sale at the Club Bar, O‘Neills Bar, Linehan’s Bar, Maple Leaf Bar, O’ Farrell’s Butchers, Frank Murphy Butchers, Pat Walsh Paints, Chadwicks, Teach Beag, Niall Mac’s Bar & Wallis’s Bar.
Our Online Lotto is now available, logon to the Club homepage to purchase your ticket.

BINGO each Friday at 8 pm, the €1,000 Jackpot this week is on 53 calls. Green Sheet is €1,200 on 5 numbers. Bingo will be run on 22nd & 29th of December


Red Cross Certified Training Course
On Wednesday December 13th at Midleton GAA Club, Ber Cotter, Health & Social Care Officer in Midleton/Carrigtwhoill Red Cross will provide a fully certified course to our coaches and will train our attendees in Adult and Child CPR and use of defibrillator, treament for choking, stroke and heart attack.  The course will run from 6-10pm.  We wish to extend our sincere thanks to Ber Cotter for delivering such a valuable skill to our club coaches.

Juvenile Social for Fe10’s to Fe16’s
Our Juvenile Social for our Fe10 to Fe16 players took place in the hall on Saturday night last the 9th of December at 7pm.  This night is a special night for the players and their families and marks the end of the playing year.  It’s a night that provides the players an opportunity to gather together with their team mates, share a bite to eat, get their team photographs taken and collect medals won during the year.  Players were served food and drinks on arrival and took to their seats at 7.30pm where each group from the Fe10’s to the Fe16’s were called up by their team manager and took to the stage for their team photograph. 

Each age group from the Fe11’s to the Fe16’s awards a most improved player for the year.  The player is chosen by the Team Manager and coaches within that age group.  It is as the award states the player who has shown the most improvement from the beginning of the year to the end.  This years Most Improved Players for 2017 were awarded as follows; Fe11 Callum Mc Sweeney, Fe12  Adam Collins, Fe13 Michael Roe, Fe14 Adam Fay, Fe15 Luke Deane and Fe16 Dan O’ Sullivan.  Congratulations to them all on their awards.

A special mention was given to our 12 Fe16 players who attended the Juvenile Social for their last time.  They joined as under 6’s back in 2006 and now as young men move to the adult side of the Club and they were wished every success for next year as Minors and far beyond that as they move through the grades in the adult club.  They are an incredible bunch of hardworking and committed lads and it was very special for them on their last night attending the Juvenile social to collect two medals, one for the ‘big ball’ football and one for the ‘small ball’ hurling. Right by their side, all the way up through the 11 years of juvenile grades were Cormac Quirke & Alan Donegan.  Cormac & Alan were thanked by the players and presented with framed photographs by way of thanks from all the players.  They were also thanked by the parents of the 16’s and the parents of the 15’s who form part of that team, for their time, dedication and commitment shown to these lads and for instilling the love of the game and creating a tremendous team spirit in this team. It was also acknowledged that these weren’t the only coaching voices these lads heard over the years and thanks was given to all the coaches who helped develop and nurture these players.  The addition of Kieran, Goldie & Pat this year added an energy and an enthusiasm to the panel and thanks was given to them for their passion and encouragement shown to all the players this year.  They are this year’s Fe16’s Premier 1 League Hurling Winners, just rewards for a great team of players and coaches.  Congratulations to them all.

As with any event it takes considerable time to arrange and organise.  The Juvenile Committee would like to thank all those who helped set-up the club earlier in the day, parents who assisted providing food to the players, taking in the Juvenile Christmas Draw tickets, Juvenile Draw, Raffle tickets and thank those that brought donations for our food appeal.  Your help and support is greatly appreciated and makes a huge difference to all involved in putting on nights like these for our juvenile players.  A special word of thanks to Andrew Foley for capturing these very special memories as always in his beautiful photographs and to Kelly Quirke for her Christmas Magpie Teddy for the team photos, thanks Kelly!

Juvenile Christmas Draw
Our Juvenile Draw took place shortly after 9pm in the Club Lounge following the Juvenile Social.  Thanks to Jim O’ Sullivan, Tracy Saunderson & Coleman Quinn for overseeing the draw. Many of the prize winners were there on the night to collect their prizes, for those that weren’t prizes can be collected from the Club shop next Saturday morning between 10am and 11.30am.  Congratulations to all our prize winners.  We would ask all our members to please support the business who provided prizes for our Juvenile Draw and thank everyone who bought or helped sell the tickets. 

Club Shop (Siopa Clubanna)
The Club Shop is open next Saturday 16th from 10 to 11.30am and then will close until the 3rd of February.
Thanks to everyone for your support throughout the year, have a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.    

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