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Hurling & Football Club Membership 2017

22 March, 2017

Membership for the Hurling & Football Club is now due, both Adult and Juvenile club officers will be in attendance at the Registration evening on Wednesday 29th March in the Gaa Club from 7 to 9.30pm.All members and intending members are invited to attend.

Adult Membership is as follows;

Waged Adult Player €150

Student Adult Player €100

Waged Adult €80 (€150 with gym)

Unemployed Adult €30 (€100 with gym)

OAP >66 yrs €30

Please note that Gym membership is included in a player's membership.


Juvenile Membership is as follows;

Coaches & Committee Members €80.00

Players Rates: 1st Child €70.00/ 2nd Child €50.00/ 3rd Child €40.00

First Child of a Team Mentor of Fé 11 down:1st Child €20.00/ 2nd Child €50.00/ 3rd Child €40.00.

Coaches will give out registration forms this week at training. We would ask that parents complete these forms and bring them along to the Club completed on the evening. 
Kindly ensure that your son signs the player section on the new registration form.  We would ask were possible that you bring exact monies due for your son(s) membership, we will have a large number of players registering and want to ensure we don’t run into difficulties trying to give out change. There will be a facility to pay on line, as we only have one payment machine, we would ask you to be patient if choosing to pay by this method.

Please note that Fe 6 players who registered in October are already registered for 2017 and do not need to attend this registration evening.
This registration is for Fé 7- Fé 16 players and all Juvenile Coaches and Juvenile Committee members of the Juvenile Club.

GRMA - GAA Membership Card
The online registration site for the new GAA Membership Card and grma rewards programme is now live. Club Members who are over 18 years can register for the programme at Registered Members will receive their official GAA Membership Card personalised with their name, Club and GAA membership number.
The grma rewards programme provides registered GAA Members with access to exclusive discounts, special offers and the opportunity to earn points for going to games. Points can be redeemed by individual members or pooled for redemption by GAA clubs. 
Members will be provided with their membership number when renewing their subscription for 2017. 

We look forward to welcoming you.

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