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Midleton GAA Club News

15 December, 2013

Midleton Hurling & Football Notes

Irish Examiner Commemorative Special
Don't miss Tuesday's commemorative 20-page special on Midleton's 2013 senior and U21 hurling double! 



Hurling & Football AGM
Last Sunday afternoon the Annual General Meeting of the Adult Club was held in the Club Hall @ 2.30pm. Chairman Liam Ryan welcomed the healthy crowd and thanked all for attending, he thanked everybody who worked within the club this year to make it such as successful one. The County Senior,U21 and Junior C cups took pride of place on the top table.

Officers elected were as follows:
Chairman -  Liam  Ryan, Vice Chairman – Kevin Hennessey, Secretary – Vincent Reddy, Treasurer – John Fenton, PRO – Coleman Quirke, Membership  - Terence Mc Carthy, IT Officer – Shane Goulding, Football Secretary - Michael Tobin, County Board Delegate - Pat Horgan , Alcohol & Substance Abuse Officer - Pearse McCarthy , Minor Secretary - John Ferriter, Player Representative Peter Dowling & Christopher Dunlea, East Cork Board Delegates Ken Murray & John Curtin.
Managers elected – Senior Hurling- Peter Smith, Junior A Hurling – Gavin Power, Junior B Hurling- TBC, Junior C Hurling - TBC, U21 Hurling – Ger Fitzgerald, Minor Hurling & Football Ger Manley, Junior A Football – John Ferriter & U21 Football – Jerome Curtin.

Garda Vetting
For 2014 all Club Coaches need to Garda Vetted. If you have previously submitted a form & have not received a reply, the reason may be that the Youth Officer in Cork may have received the form 3 months after the date it was signed by you, deeming it invalid. All managers of every team at this stage have received forms for their teams coaches/selectors who are not vetted. The deadline to return your form is the 17th of Jan 2014 in the provided envelope (sealed) to Pearse McCarthy. We would ask everyone for their cooperation. Any queries you have please don't hesitate to contact Pearse on (087) 289 0888

Club Calendar
A limited edition of a Club Calendar is now on sale and will prove to be a souvenir item of the successful year the club has had. It features many pictures of teams and events captured throughout the year. These are available from the Club Bar/Shop, Pat Walsh Paints, O’ Farrell Butchers, Mary Quinn and Coleman Quirke. 


Sean Keohane Memorial Long Puck 
Our annual Poc Fada which now commemorates the late Sean Keohane will take place once again this year on St Stephen’s day 26th December. The route will be the same as usual from Lisgoold village to Moore’s Bridge, Carrigogna, Midleton. The buses will leave from the GAA Club at 9.30pm sharp, the Juvenile teams will now participate in a fun event whilst the Adult competition will be along the usual lines of 3 per team. All participants are requested to wear a Vis vest for your own safety and to have your own sliotar and a few spares if possible. Let the competition begin !!

Lotto Jackpot was €3,600, no's were 5,10,24 & 27 No winner, Lucky Dips were Bernadette Mc Grath, Bridie O’ Sullivan, Pat Tobin, Marie Kelly & Jane Condon,  next weeks Jackpot €3,800.

BINGO for all every Friday night in the GAA Pavilion from 8pm, guaranteed Jackpot of 1,000 euro!!

Dancing next Saturday night to Sam O’ Doherty

Juvenile Notes

Christmas Draw and Social
The Juvenile Social and Xmas Raffle took place at the Clubhouse last Saturday , it began at 7 and was later followed by the Xmas raffle in the Lounge after. There was a great turnout of players, parents and familys for both events.A big thanks to all those who sold tickets for the raffle and also to those who helped out on the night, the Xmas draw winners were as follows: 1.Nicky Coughlan , 2. Eileen Murphy 3. Brian McCarthy 4. Paul Murphy 5. Loretta Scanlon 6. Emily Gillespie 7. Pat O'Keeffe 8. Margorie Murray 9. JV Lynch 10. Clara Rolston 11. Griffin Hurley 12. Liam Cahill 13. Donal Ryan 14. Joy McGrath 15. Derek Cregan 16. Mary Murray 17. Niall McCarthy 18. Mick McGrath 19. Ken O'Riordan 20. Emer Cahill 21. Danny Lehane 22. Clive Horgan 23. Paddy Goldspring 24. Sinead Falvey 25. Sean Og Keeffe 26. Eamon Canavan 27. Breda Kenny 28. Mia Walsh 29. Pat O'Keeffe & 30. John Power

Chairman Cormac Quirke welcomed the large crowd to the social and thanked all the players, managers, selectors and parents for their support throughout the year. Chairman of the Rebel Og Central region Jim Forbes addressed the crowd as did our Club president Rev. Monsignor Eamon Gould. The presentation of medals to the Fe12 & 13 teams and to the Players of the year were made by Club Senior players Padraig O Shea, James Nagle and Conor Lehane. 
U11 most improved player Jack McKay, U11 Player of the year Patrick Kelly, U12 Player of the year Christian Murphy, U13 Player of the year Tommy O'Connell,
U14 Player of the year Eoin Maloney, U15 Player of the year Ryan O'Regan and
U16 Player of the year James O'Brien.

Street League Indoor Hurling
Each Saturday morning at the Community Centre, coaching for boys will continue right up to Christmas week and new members are always very welcome. The times are as follows: Junior Infants 12 – 1pm, Senior Infants 11-12 & First Class 10-11am.

Cork Colleges Fe16 Hurling Final
Congratulations to the Midleton CBS Fe 16 hurlers who defeated Colaiste Chriost Ri in the final last Friday and to all the Club players who were part of the panel.

Club Gear
The Club shop is open each Saturday morning from 11am to 12, a full selection of gear is available with umbrellas and school bags added to the range. Anyone looking for Christmas presents can also buy gift vouchers from the club shop. Full price lists are available on the club website 

Social Media
Keep up to date with all of the Club’s activity’s by following us on our Website, Facebook and Twitter

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