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Midleton GAA Notes 21st January 2013

21 January, 2013

Adult Notes

Last Man Standing
Yes it’s back again and by popular demand! Run last year for the first time “Last Man Standing” proved to be a great success and created good banter amongst the punters who participated.
This year’s competition kindly sponsored by GARDE ENGINEERING will once again be based on the Premiership and will commence the weekend of the 9/10th of February. Tickets costing only €10 are now available from Declan Ryan @ 086 3864280.

Harty Cup
Hard luck on the hurlers of Midleton CBS who were defeated last Wednesday by a last minute point  against Our Lady’s Templemore in the Harty Cup quarter final played in awful conditions in Cahir, our club were  represented by players Alan Stanton, Darren Quirke, Padraic Nagle, Seanaidh Smyth, Sean O’Farrell, Byran Rossiter , Gavin Bagnell and selector Peter Dowling.  
Club Lotto
Our Lotto Jackpot is currently at €2,200, this week winners can be found on our website. Tickets can be purchased from any of the following outlets for a little as 2euro – O’Neills Bar, Linehans Bar, Club Bar, Maple Leaf Bar, O’Farrell’s Butchers, Frank Murphy Butchers and Chadwick’s.
We also have monthly; yearly and direct debit payment options available, for further information please contact any club officer.

Club Gym
Gym membership for 2013 is now available in conjunction with club membership. The fee for full membership for 2013 is €150 and €100 for students and unwaged. These prices include full club membership.  Once full payment is made you can start using the gym as soon as you complete the induction course run by Paudie O'Keeffe.  Only FULLY paid up members will be issued with fobs to enter the gym.
For further information or to apply for club and Gym membership; please contact Terrence McCarthy on 086 6013228.

Club Shop
The Club shop is up and running and proving to be a great success. Michael Crotty and Mary Quinn have been holding the fort on Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm and Saturdays 11-12 and a generous stock of Jerseys, Skins, Hoodies, Socks and Shorts are available.

Club Membership
For full details of the 2013 Membership rates please log on to our Club website and check out the Download section for a detailed breakdown of the various packages available. Contact our Membership Officer Terence McCarthy @ 086 6013228 for any further queries.

50 Years ago (1963)
Administration of the Club
President – E.J. Canon Fox P.P. Dean of Cloyne
Chairman – Fr. William Colbert
Vice Chairman – Fr. J. Murphy C.C.
Honorary Treasurer – Danny Hourihan
Honorary Secretary – Tommy Guerin
Football Secretary – Barry Fuller
County Board Rep – Seamus Durdin
Committee – Michael Horgan, Tom Powell, Jack Parker, Michael O’Neill, Paddy Hartnett, Br. Clancy, Martin McSweeney, Tommy Hennessy, Neilly Horgan, Tom Morrison, Donie Lordan and Tommy McSweeney.

30 Years ago (1983)
Administration of the Club
President – Very Rev. Canon Christopher Twohig P.P.
Chairman – Patrick Crotty
Vice Chairman – Seamus Kearney
Treasurer – William “Bawny” O’Sullivan
Registrar – Billy Cody
Secretary – Oliver O’Keeffe
Football Secretary – Denis McSweeney

BINGO for all every Friday night in the GAA Pavilion from 8pm, everyone welcome.

Juvenile Notes


Alcohol and Substance abuse programme
Midleton’s ASAP officer Pearse McCarthy has this year arranged for a programme of events for Fe 15 & 16 boys along with Ladies Football players to boost awareness of problems related to damage from Alcohol, drugs and other social risk areas.
The programme consists of group presentations and discussion events and simultaneous sports activities held in the Midleton clubhouse and ball alley.

On Wednesday night 16th we ran the first part of the ASAP Course entitled: 'Life Skills & Health Promotion Programme in the Midleton GAA's new Committee Room and ball alley which we can wholeheartedly say was a success.
Gordon Kinsley (Southern Regional Drugs Taskforce) was our guest speaker on the night and he didn't leave us down providing a very interactive evening which engaged all who attended.
Gordon touched on the subjects of both Drugs & Alcohol.  On the evening he explained there were no right or wrong answers to the questions that he asked which I think this made everyone feel more at ease when giving their opinions or answers.
Groups were split in two, one group with Gordon and the other with selectors Johnny Mulcahy, Martin McConville, Mick Franklin & Pa Beausang who played some fun ball games in the ball alley. The groups swapped over once Gordon’s first discussion was finished.
Well done to both the Fe 15 & 16 boys selectors and Ladies Football Secretary, Mags McEvoy who encouraged their teams to attend.
In attendance from the Ladies Football Selectors we had Jimmy McEvoy & Willie Madden.
Thanks to Tommy Foley Aghada ASAP Officer for accepting our invitation to attend.
Thanks to Willie Madden who has organised Sean McGowan (Atlantic Ocean Rower), who will chat to our young stars in our 2nd week of the course (Thursday 24th January).
Of course not forgetting a special thanks to both the boys & girls for their attendance. We look forward to seeing you all again next time, same venue but something different.

Gum Shields
From the 1st of January 2013 it is now compulsory for juvenile players to wear gum shields (mouth Guards). The rule relates to both football training and matches. This ruling has come from GAA Headquarters and anybody not wearing a gum shield who subsequently gets injured during a match or training session will not be covered by GAA insurance.
GAA recommended gum Shields can be purchased from our juvenile club sponsor Murphy’s Pharmacy in Midleton.

Indoor training for our three youngest groups will recommence on Saturday 19th of January. For other teams training times can be found on the club website   .On the juvenile team page for your child’s team training times have been posted. We would ask parents to encourage their children to practice during the week even if the weather is bad, parents can practice catching the ball indoors. For players from junior infants to Fe 9 please remember to bring your €2 to training sessions. This money is vital to keep the juvenile section of the club funded.

Midleton Juvenile Golf Classic
The dates for the 2013 juvenile Golf Classic have been confirmed as Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th of July. We hope this years event can live up to the quality of the previous years and that the community support it as well as in the past. Please spread the news to those who you think might sponsor a team or a prize.

Club Gear
The Club shop will be open from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Thursday evenings and from 11am to 12pm on Saturday mornings. A full selection of gear is available including new club branded base layer tops. Anyone looking for presents can also buy gift vouchers from the club shop. Full price lists are available on the club website

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