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Midleton GAA News 7th January 2013

07 January, 2013

Midleton Adult Hurling & Football News

Midleton GAA ASAP Programme
As part of the Gaa's ASAP Programme we have a couple of events starting in the New Year. Firstly we are running a ' Life Skills & Health Promotion Programme, this programme is specifically for our Fe 15 & 16 boys. Also included in this is the Midleton Ladies football team. The course will be run over four weeks (1night a week)
The course will touch on a health & life skills. We plan to make the course interactive with a fun element to it.
Gordon Kinsley (Development Worker) & John Dennigan (Foroige) will run the course. Gordon has been a great friend to the club and has helped us out greatly in the past. John has played with the club in the past and now has offered his services to us which we are delighted with.
We will be requesting the help of the coaches of these teams to help out on these nights.
Parents will be issued with letters on same in early January
Off The Booze & On the Ball
We will take part in this challenge for the month of February. We would encourage both players & non players to take up this challenge in the New Year.
The aim of this is to promote a healthier lifestyle and raise some cash for your team at the same time.
For more info check: zone/asap-programme/

Club Lotto
Our Lotto Jackpot is currently at €1,800, this week winners can be found on our website. Tickets can be purchased from any of the following outlets for a little as 2euro – O'Neills Bar, Linehans Bar, Club Bar, Maple Leaf Bar, O'Farrell’s Butchers, Frank Murphy Butchers and Chadwick’s.
We also have monthly; yearly and direct debit payment options available, for further information please contact any club officer.

Club Gym
Gym membership for 2013 is now available in conjunction with club membership. The fee for full membership for 2013 is €150 and €100 for students and unwaged. These prices include full club membership.  Once full payment is made you can start using the gym as soon as you complete the induction course run by Paudie O'Keeffe.  Only FULLY paid up members will be issued with fobs to enter the gym.
For further information or to apply for club and Gym membership; please contact Terrence McCarthy on 086 6013228.

 Club Shop
The Club shop is up and running and proving to be a great success. Michael Crotty and Mary Quinn have been holding the fort on Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm and Saturdays 11-12 and a generous stock of Jerseys, Skins, Hoodys, Socks and Shorts are available.

Club Membership
For full details of the 2013 Membership rates please log on to our Club website and check out the Download section for a detailed breakdown of the various packages available. Contact our Membership Officer Terence McCarthy @ 086/6013228 for any further queries.

Club Golf Society
Our GAA Golf Society held their Xmas outing on Sunday 30th December at East Cork Golf Club. This event was very kindly sponsored by Patrick O Farrell of O Farrell Meats. The following are the results and the committee elected for the coming year
Overall Winner Michael Hayes
Category 1 – 1st Jim O Keeffe & 2nd Conor O Brien
Category 2 – 1st Willie Ring & 2nd Anthony Wall
Category 3 – 1st Tom Mintern & 2nd John Fenton
Golfer of the year was Jim O Keeffe
Committee – Captain Conor O Brien, President Jim O Sullivan, Secretary Pat Hayes, members Pat Crotty, Paudie O Keeffe, Jerry O Farrell, Alan Keohane and Mark Carroll.

The Hurling & Football committee would like to congratulate former club player Peter Horgan on his recent marriage to Paula and we also pass on our sympathy’s to club player and selector John Dennigan on the recent death of his father Jimmy Dennigan of Fermoy (former Referee).

BINGO for all every Friday night in the GAA Pavilion from 8pm, everyone welcome.

Juvenile Notes

Gum Shields
From the 1st of January 2013 it is compulsory for juvenile players to wear gum shields (mouth Guards) for both football training and matches. This ruling has come from GAA Headquarters and anybody not wearing a gum shield who subsequently gets injured during a match or training session will not be covered by GAA insurance.
Gum Shields can be purchased from sports shops and pharmacists including our juvenile club sponsor Murphy’s Pharmacy in Midleton.
For more on the subject click HERE

Training for juveniles will be starting again shortly. Team managers will be texting details to each team. Also keep an eye on the club website on the juvenile team page for your child’s team training times. We would ask parents to encourage their children to practice during the week even if the weather is bad, parents can practice catching the ball indoors. For players from junior infants to Fe 9 please remember to bring your €2 to training sessions. This money is vital to keep the juvenile section of the club funded.

Club Gear
The Club shop will be open from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Thursday evenings and from 11am to 12pm on Saturday mornings. A full selection of gear is available including new club branded base layer tops. Anyone looking for presents can also buy gift vouchers from the club shop. Full price lists are available by clicking HERE


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