Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club Notes - January 5
09 January, 2025
Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club Notes - December 5
We thank all those who supported our “One-Club” in 2024. This support has taken many forms; be it through Membership, Volunteerism, or one of our many fundraising events. We wish you all a happy and healthy New Year and look forward to a successful 2025 both on and off the field.
Wedding Bells
Congratulations to our Club Player Peter Dowling and his lovely wife Elaine on their recent Wedding Day.
Good Luck
We would like to wish our fellow East Cork Clubs @Russell Rovers Gaa and @Watergrasshill Gaa the very best of luck on Sunday in the All-Ireland Intermediate and Junior Finals.
From January 1 2025, Midleton GAA One Club (GAA, Ladies Football, Camogie, Magpie All Stars, Gaelic 4 Mothers & Others) will transition from Klubfunder to Foireann for payment of annual membership. All members will be required to pay annual membership through the Foireann system. Klubfunder will no longer be used as the payment system for membership This will ensure a streamlined system for managing Midleton GAA club membership and aligns GAA systems
What you need to do from January 1, 2025.
From January 1st ”Foireann go live date” all members are asked to: Check that you have access to the Foireann system Check that all information is accurate and up to date for yourself and any family members. Ensure anyone over the age of 18 has an individual email and phone number. If you are a current (or previous) member of Midleton GAA One Club, you will have access to a Foireann account.
If you cannot access your Foireann account due to password or username issues, please use the “Forgot Password/ Username” function on the home screen. If the above does not resolve the issue, DO NOT CREATE another account, please contact Kieran Denihan (Club Registrar) (087 410 5991), Mairead Beausang (087 2412010) or Tracy Saunderson (087 6625544) for support.
Foireann can be accessed through the following link: http://www.foireann/user-name
140th Anniversary
Just three months after the founding of the Gaelic Athletic Association in November 1884 Midleton GAA was first registered with the fledgling organisation on 17 January 1885. This was done at a meeting of the Association by Jeremiah J. Coffey the driving force behind the club in Midleton at the time. Not alone was Jeremiah J. Coffey a leading light in the club but he was also one of the most prominent businessmen in the town. He was responsible for the building of our Catholic church, the church of the Most Holy Rosary as well as may other churches and other buildings around Munster. His company was based in the Coolbawn stretching from where the Farmgate Restaurant was located down to where Messy Buns is. After the club was officially registered with the GAA is was not long before the football team made a major impact on local and national GAA affairs winning Cork, Munster and All-Ireland senior football championships within six years of the founding of the Association. To mark the 140th anniversary of the founding of the club we will have a display of medals, jerseys and other historical material dating back to the founding of the club in our Tom Powell pavilion on Friday 17 January at 20.00. This will be the first time that this treasure trove of medals, photographs, record books will all be on display at the same time. Due to bingo being on in the hall at the same time parking will be available in the rear car park. All are welcome.
Healthy Club
Get your walking shoes out and count your steps for Midleton Gaa. Commencing on Jan 8 th the challenge is divided across 4 provinces, the goal is for your club team to collectively track 4,000km (approx. the distance around Ireland). Any clubs that achieve the target will be included in our prize draw. There are 3 donations of €2,500 to give away per province. Track your activity with a fitness wearable (e.g. Fitbit) or fitness app (e.g. Samsung Health for Android or Apple Health for iPhone) connected to the MyLife app. Just download the My Life by Irish Life App. Register and click on social; challenges and select Munster.; Cork and then Midleton.
Please read the following important message from our Facilities Committee; It has been brought to our attention that unfortunately individuals are using the main pitch in Clonmult (which is Closed) for running drills and that Ball playing is continuing in the Gym despite a sign in place. We request that these activities Stop immediately. Please have respect for your Clubs property. For anyone wishing to complete personal training programs or otherwise feel free to use the Side pitch, Ball Alley and Gym.
Ladies Football
Cork U14B team
Congratulations to our Club player Ciara Finn who was picked for the U14 Inter-county team. Well done Ciara.
Our Intermediate and Junior Ladies will return to training next Monday night Jan 13th. For details, please contact Paddy Corcoran.
Huge congratulations to Kate O’Sullivan who has been selected on the Cork Minor panel for 2025
U6 Camogie and Ladies Football recruitment
Parents, we are now taking names for girls who may be interested in joining Camogie and Ladies Football. Please see details below for more information.
Irish and Culture Officer
Midleton Gaa Club would like to extend a very warm welcome to Áine Ní Néill as our new Irish and Culture Officer. Áine has sent the following message to us all:
“Dia dhaoibh a chairde, Áine Ní Néill is ainm dom agus beidh mé mar Oifigeach don Gaeilge i mbliana. Táim ag tonnú le gníomhachtaí éagsúla a chur ar bhráid agus an Ghaeilge a spreagadh le linn ár gclub. Coiméad súil amach ar na meáin shóisialta do nuacht áirtihe! Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh a chairde agus mar a deir an tseanfhocal beatha teanga í a labhairt “
Club Lotto
Here are the lotto results for this week. Congratulations to Mary Quinn who was a match 3 winner. Also well done to our lucky dip winners.
Thanks to everyone who supports our lotto. It is a vital weekly fundraiser for our club.
Remember you can play anytime at: http://www.klubfunder.com/Clubs/Midleton%20GAA/lotto
In total Midleton GAA will give out local business vouchers to the value of €3,800 every year as part of our “Shop Local, Buy Local” campaign. How to play: tickets are on sale at Pat Walsh Paints, Chadwicks, Frank Murphy Butchers, Murphy’s Pharmacy, Crowley Butchers, or buy online (see above).
Our Club House club, bar and hall, at Midleton GAA Club are available to hire for functions. See below for details
Midleton Gaa Club would like to express their condolences to Pat Horgan on the passing of his uncle Tommy Horgan. Tommy played Senior Hurling for Midleton in 1954.
Condolences also to the O’Brien Family on the passing of their mother Elise O’Brien.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n’anamacha.