Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News
03 February, 2022
Midleton GAA, Ladies Football and Camogie Club Notes 3 February 2022
COVID Update from Croke Park
Croke Park have issued updated guidance in relation to COVID19 precuations for GAA members and coaches at this link.
Extracts below.
Mega Lotto Results & New Jackpot
- Our Lotto Jackpot was a choice of €20,000 or a VW Golf 1.0 TSI (in partnership with Blackwater Motors) the numbers 11, 15, 16 & Bonus 2. There was no winner of the jackpot so next Friday’s jackpot will remain the same. The Match 3 Jackpot of €400 was won by John Healy.
- 4 Lucky Dip Prize Winners this week were John O’Halloran, Patricia Kenneally (€25 Frank Murphy Butchers Voucher) Mary O’Riordan and Andrew Aherne (€25 cash each). In total Midleton GAA will give out local business vouchers to the value of €3,800 every year as part of our “Shop Local, Buy Local” campaign.
- How to play: Tickets are on sale at Pat Walsh Paints, Chadwicks, Frank Murphy Butchers, Murphy’s Pharmacy, Crowley Butchers, or buy online, through Klubfunder, at https://www.klubfunder.com/Clubs/Midleton%20GAA/lotto select your numbers and number of draws to play. You can buy an annual ticket by selecting “50” from the “Number of Draws” to Play dropdown.
Midleton GAA Bingo
Our Bingo continues on Friday nights with an early game at 7.25pm. Everyone is welcome. Bring your face mask and a friend.
Midleton GAA Dancing
Dancing is back again at Midleton GAA.
On this Sat 5th Feb., we welcome the wonderful music of Michael Sexton from West Clare, a great night is assured. Looking forward to having you all, come and join us.
Rebels Bounty
Rebels' Bounty was a huge success for Midleton & Cork GAA last year in terms of fundraising and fantastic prizes. The 2022 draw has been launched and we kindly ask all our followers and supporters to enter.
- €500k in prizes
- 30 monthly prizes
- 12 monthly draws
- 100% of ticket sales from now onwards goes to the Club
Enter by clicking on: https://rebelsbounty.ergogroup.ie/prod/rebelsbounty/join-draw
Sign Up for Camogie!
Camogie Training will Resume over the coming weeks. Team Managers will be in contact shortly with Training Times and Venues.
Registration Day
Ahead of our upcoming Registration Day we are now recruiting girls from age groups Fe6 to Fe12, if your daughter would like to join our club please pre-register your Interest with Sinead on 086 0638151.
Cumann Luthchleas Gael Mainistir na Corann would like to offer our condolences to Diarmuid, Julie, Bréanainn, Naoise, Conall, Siún, Finin and the wider Ó Dálaigh family on the recent passing of Diarmuid’s father Jerry.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.