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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

28 February, 2021

The key messages for this week:

  • Update from GAA's COVID Advisory Group and Useful Numbers
  • Lotto Jackpot reaches €20,000
  • Proposed Membership Rates for 2021 & 3G Pitch Development
  • Blast from the Past Images
  • Cork County Board Draw….Rebels’ Bounty tickets on sale

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

COVID Update

During the week the Government published their COVID-19: Resilience and Recovery 2021 Plan. We have reason to be optimistic that as the vaccination programme gets rolled out, we will see further reductions in case numbers and this will have a knock-on effect in terms of the lifting of current restrictions. It is clear from the plan that no on-field activity will commence until after Easter at the earliest. Please see below update from Croke Park.

In the absence of group on-field activity individual skill and fitness training is important. This will not only help maintain skill and fitness levels but will also help with our mental health and wellbeing.

We can see light at the end of the tunnel. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.


Useful Numbers

As Level 5 restrictions continue it is important to remember that you are not alone.

Here are some useful numbers to keep in mind

  • Mental Health Information Line             1800 111 888
  • Samaritans                                           116 123
  • Pieta House                                          1800 247 247
  • Aware                                                  1800 80 48 48
  • Women’s Aid                                        1800 341 900
  • Men’s Aid Ireland                                  01 5543811
  • Elder Abuse Helpline                             1850 241 850
  • Free 24/7 Text Line                               Text TALK to 50808
  • Childline                                               1800 66 66 66 or Text 50101
  • Alcoholics Anonymous                          01 842 0700
  • Gamblers Anonymous Cork                   087 285 9552
  • Gardaí                                                  999 or 112
  • Midleton Garda Station                         021 4621550

Mega Lotto Results

  • 4 Lucky Dip Prize Winners this week
  • The re-launched Lotto is a critical component of our fundraising for Park South. The support to date has been good, especially with the number of annual subscriptions that have been submitted.
  • In total Midleton GAA will give out local business vouchers to the value of €3,800 every year as part of our “Shop Local, Buy Local” campaign.
  • How to play: Go to select your numbers and number of draws to play. You can buy an annual ticket by selecting “50” from the “Number of Draws” to Play dropdown.

Proposed Membership Rates for 2021 & 3G Pitch Development

1st March (12 Noon) is deadline for Voting



Recently members will have received, by email, a communication outlining proposed changes in Membership Rates for 2021 and the reasoning behind them.

If you didn’t receive an email but feel that you should have then please email


  • At an Executive meeting on 19th January the Club Executive approved membership rates for 2021. In line with the Club constitution these now need to be ratified by the members.
  • These new membership rates (see detailed rates in Exhibit A) would raise approximately €35,445 more in membership in 2021 over 2020.
  • This increase in membership will be ring fenced for and will be set aside to fund the development of a 3G pitch in Park South (see estimated costings and sources of funding in Exhibit B).
  • The Club Executive are very conscious that whilst these are difficult times we believe that, with Park South, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to put in place facilities that will serve future generations of the Club.
  • The Club Executive are asking members to vote in favour of these membership fees for 2021 as a preamble to the development of a 3G pitch in Park South to commence in 2021.

Procedure for Voting

  1. Please review and read the detailed Questions & Answers and supporting Exhibits that have been prepared and approved by the Club Executive.
  2. Accompanying this document is a voting form. You can vote in one of 2 ways:
    1. Print the voting paper, indicate your voting preference, complete you name in block letters, then sign the form, scan the form and return by email to Club Secretary Vincent Reddy at the following email address
    2. You may also vote by printing the voting paper, indicate your voting preference, complete you name in block letters, then sign the form, and then post it Vincent Reddy, Secretary Midleton G.A.A., Park South, Midleton, Co. Cork, P25 E025
    3. If you don’t have the facilities to print and scan the voting papers then email to arrange for a printed copy of the voting form to be delivered and collected.
  3. If you have any question regarding the proposed membership increase and/or 3G development in Park South then please feel free to email Club Secretary Vincent Reddy at email address We will endeavour to answer any question within 5 days.
  4. In order to give people ample time to ask questions and receive replies about this once-in-a-generation development we will allow ample time for people to return voting papers. In this regard, completed voting papers should be received no later than 12 noon on 1 March 2021.


Rebels’ Bounty Draw


The Cork County Board Draw has been re-name Rebels’ Bounty 2021. This is a fund-raiser not just for the Cork County Board but also for GAA clubs within the county. Midleton GAA are promoting Rebels’ Bounty Draw as a vehicle to raise funds for our new facilities at Park South.

All monies collected, YES, that's 100% of it goes directly to the Midleton GAA club without any admin costs, any risks or any prize costs. Many long term members are renewing now and many new members joining due to the new attractive prizes.

As you can see from the above image, there is now a total prize fund of €500k with a Whopping €100k for December 21 Draw. There are 360 cash prizes in total per year.

Purchase a ticket to support the GAA and especially Midleton GAA – Magpies Abú

To sign up for the draw simply click on the joining link:

If you have any queries/questions or need help purchasing a ticket, you can contact the following people who will be delighted to assist you. Many thanks for all your support over the years which has enabled Midleton GAA to thrive and remain a forward-thinking and proactive club and strive to always be better for all our members and our community.

Pat O Brien - Coordinator Club Draw Coordinator 086 8118815

Liam Ryan, Steve Sheehan, Pearse Mc Carthy, John Fenton, Diarmuid Ó Dálaigh

Go raibh maith agaibh. Thank you.

Healthy Club Project

Ireland Reads

Libraries have partnered with booksellers, publishers and other organisations with an aim to get the whole country reading this month in the lead up to a national day of reading on Thursday, February 25th. Taking some time to relax and do the things we enjoy has never been more important and reading is a great way to get a sense of escape and boost wellbeing. You’ll find all the details at  where you can;

Pledge to read on Ireland Reads Day, February 25th

Get some reading inspiration – simply enter the type of book you like best, how long you have available to read each day and the website will suggest the perfect book and tell you how long it will take to read it.

Utilising the GAA Museum book club may be a way of getting involved with this campaign, you can find further details and social media resources attached to this email for you.

GAA Museum launches new virtual Book Club

A GAA Book a month up for discussion

While it’s not possible to visit the GAA Museum or it’s Library & Archives in person right now, you can still learn more about Gaelic Games and the history of the Association by becoming a member of their new virtual GAA Museum Book Club.

Each month the GAA Museum team will choose a well-known GAA book to read and review. At the end of the month, the museum will host a free online interview with the author, in which members can submit questions and comments.

The ambition of the book club is to review some of the great GAA books and to give us all a much needed sporting boost as we stay at home.

Books will vary each month and will include histories, biographies, autobiographies and memoirs - all of which are selected from the museum’s own library. Members can make suggestions for upcoming books too via the website. To become a member, sign-up on

The first pick is one that’s close to the heart of the GAA - ‘The Bloodied Field’ by Sunday Times journalist Michael Foley. In this publication from 2014, Foley recounts the story of Bloody Sunday and the shootings in Croke Park that changed history. The book is described as a ‘deeply intimate and detailed account’ where Foley tells the personal stories of those killed, of the police and military personnel involved and of all the families left shattered in the aftermath of the day.

For those who don’t own or can’t borrow a copy of the book, the GAA Museum Gift Shop is offering a 20% discount on The Bloodied Field for the month of February. You can purchase at the reduced rate on

The first author interview and Q&A session at 8.30pm on Thursday 4th March. The one-hour live event will take place via Microsoft Teams and a video link will be shared with members in advance.

The next book will be announced on Friday 5th March. The Book Club aims to raise awareness and celebrate the GAA Museum Library & Archive - the national repository for the GAA’s records, archives and publications. Its mission is to collect a copy of every book published by the GAA and every book written about the GAA. The GAA Museum and its archives house almost 20,000 items in its collection. Readers, researchers and students can access the archive in Croke Park by appointment when it’s safe to do so. Until then you can search the archive on Sign up now to join fellow book lovers and GAA enthusiasts and get reading. For more information and to become a member, visit


Junior Infants Boys Pre-Registration

The ongoing Govid-19 government restrictions has meant that the most important boy’s team in the club, the new Fé6 Junior Infants Boys, haven’t been able to commence their GAA training yet. We hope that once the restrictions are lifted, this group will join all their teammates in Midleton GAA Club on the training fields. We also hope that official Club registration will take place when restrictions allow. In the meantime, if any parents of Junior Infant Boys wish to submit their details including name/ number/ email, they can do so to our Juvenile Secretary Michael Carroll at or to 086-8362218.

Safeguarding, Vetting & Coaching

Safeguarding, vetting and coaching training are all mandatory requirements of any GAA club.  To help us create a safe and enjoyable environment for the children who play Gaelic games in Midleton we are very active at the moment in updating our requirements.  

A number of coaches have applied for Garda vetting due to the changes to the legislation which now mean that vetting is valid for three years only, as opposed to the previous rule which allowed for five years.

We recently hosted a Foundation coaching training with GDA Sean Crowley and those who participated on the night are currently completing the online piece following the introduction by Sean.  This qualification will be completed with a practical session later in the year once we are back on the pitch.

Our virtual Safeguarding workshop which is booked for 2nd of March is now full.  If you need to complete this workshop, please contact the Children’s Officer at  We will book another session to facilitate all those who need it at the first available opportunity.

A huge correspondence drive from the club to all coaches who require updating has been ongoing for the last number of weeks.  As a club there has been a phenomenal response to this with the majority active in updating requirements.  This is highly appreciated by the club and will ensure our prompt and safe return to play once the restrictions are eased.  Many thanks to all who are involved.

Blast from the Past

2 Photographs that have been seen on social media recently.


Cumann Luthchleas Gael Mainistir na Corann would like to offer our deepest sympathies to Ed, Caroline, Leslie, Aaron and Nicholas Coughlan on the recent passing of Ed’s father Sean.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilis


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