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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

19 April, 2020

The key messages for this week:

  • A big THANK YOU to the front line staff for their heroic efforts.
  • You are not alone and we will get through this together. See Midleton GAA Community Assistance Program. Spread the word about this assistance.  
  • The GAA Volunteers will also be playing an active role in the Local Authority Community Call (see below under Useful Numbers).
  • Your physical and mental health are critical at this time. See Healthy Club details below.
  • Practicing hurling, camogie and football skills will help in multiple ways.

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

Midleton GAA Community Assistance Programme – Covid-19

If you need assistance then please contact anyone on the list of volunteers. 

COVID-19 Useful Numbers

Online Content Available

Cork Sport Partnership, in conjunction with many sports bodies including the GAA, Camogie and Ladies organisations, have put together some useful content. This content is in the form of a pdf with further links therein to other content. It is worthwhile going through it. I think there is something in it for both young and not so young.

Link to pdf

Some highlights from this document

  • Good ‘landing’ page for GAA content. You can dig deeper and there is good reading and activity for kids. The Geography and History sections are particularly interesting.
  • 12 Day Camogie Skills Challenge
  • Midleton’s Orlagh Farmer and her ‘#5DaySkillsChallenge with Orlagh Farmer’ get a prominent airing
  • Camogie All-Stars Word Search
  • LGFA Facebook Live Quiz Nights

Please give your feedback on social media as to what worked for you.

Links to other online content

Many thanks to Rebel Óg Coaching for running the 'virtual' hurling and football camps. The recorded videos are on their YouTube channel so can still be accessed on

Video created by Paudie and Cormac O’Brien on key skills. Well done lads, next stop the Oscars.

Hurling Skills

Football skills


The online booking system for the Cúl Camps is now open. At the moment the Gaa are planning to go ahead with all camps across the Country. They will however be guided by the HSE so any changes to dates will be notified ASAP. 

Safeguarding & Vetting

Any person who carries out a role of responsibility such as coaching , managing or training underage teams, or any team that has a player under 18 years of age must be vetted. The National Vetting Bureau Act 2012-2016 makes vetting a statutory obligation and therefore applies to everyone working with children.  Vetting can be done online through the E Vetting system

The GAA is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all young people who wish to participate.  In an attempt to achieve this for all our underage players, coaches must complete a Safeguarding 1 workshop as highlighted in the Children First as one of the mandatory requirements.

Correspondence has gone out this week to coaches who are required to update either vetting or safeguarding.  Anyone who has completed Safeguarding 1 in 2016 can do an online refresher.  Please follow the steps if this applies to you;


2.   The GAA

3.   Child, Welfare & Protection

4.   Safeguarding tutors

5.   Online Safeguarding 1 refresher

This will take approximately 45 mins but it can be done at a time that suits you best.  Once completed please send the date and cert number to 087 6374748 or to  For anyone who completed Safeguarding 1 prior to 2016 there will be a workshop facilitated in the club when we are again back to business.

Midleton GAA have always been compliant with regard to these mandatory requirements so it would be great to have everything updated during this period of closure so we will be ready to get back to action without delay when the time comes.  Anyone with any queries/difficulties please contact Ingrid at 087 6374748.

Midleton Camogie

While we find ourselves in unprecedented times and have other priorities at the moment other than Camogie we encourage you all to stay fit and healthy and keep up the practice at home.  In particular the content developed by Cork Sport Partnership contains some useful drills.

Some of our girls, in particular our older girls and the very very active under 11s have sent in some fabulous displays of skills and handwork to Sinead our PRO that can be viewed on our social media pages.  We would like to encourage other groups to do the same.  If you are at home working hard, do send in any video clips or photos that we can use to promote all the good work that’s being done.

Ladies Football

Many Thanks to Orlagh Farmer who kept us busy once again this week with her daily football drills. All videos are on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.

Well done to everyone who got behind the Midleton FC #5kforfrontline walk/run/cycle challenge in support of Meals and Wheels and Midleton Hospital. They have now past their target. It was great to see the whole Community coming together for such worthy causes. 

Healthy Club Programme

Mental Health

Mental Health Ireland has a number of hints and tips for coping at this time around the Five Ways to Wellbeing but also dedicated resources for people with mental health illness and their family/carers.

Mental Health Supports and Services:

Being Active at Home

Sport Ireland:

Age & Opportunity has created a series of live 15 minute seated physical activity session for older adults. The sessions are live on Age & Opportunity Facebook page on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. The videos are also available on their website:

HSE PCC Physiotherapy Services Cork

CARA Centre:

Healthy Eating

The Alcohol Forum produced an infographic which aims to get people to think about their drinking at this time and it offers some key messages and tips, please see attached.

Please see some healthy eating tips from the World Health Organisation:


The club would like to extend our sympathies to John, Mary, Michael, and Donal Fenton and the wider Fenton family on the passing of their mother Eileen. In these difficult times of distancing, be assured that you are in the thoughts and prayers of your friends within the Midleton GAA community.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

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