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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

12 April, 2020

Happy Easter to all our members and supporters.

We have added new words to our vocabulary over the past few weeks. Social distancing, self-isolation, coughing etiquette, and flattening the curve to name but a few. We have also learned what is most important to us. Whilst health and family come first, we would like to think that we have also seen a new sense of community. Whether it is watching out for an elderly neighbour, saying hello to a relative stranger on the newly-popular walks or our genuine pride in what we can achieve when we pull together.

The key messages for this week, are the same as for the last few weeks:

  • You are not alone and we will get through this together. See Midleton GAA Community Assistance Program. Spread the word about this assistance.  
  • The GAA Volunteers will also be playing an active role in the Local Authority Community Call (see below under Useful Numbers).
  • Your physical and mental health are critical at this time. See Healthy Club details below.
  • Practicing hurling, camogie and football skills will help in multiple ways.

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

Midleton GAA Community Assistance Programme – Covid-19

If you need assistance then please contact anyone on the list of volunteers. 

COVID-19 Useful Numbers


Magpie Daily Challenge

We will have some more time to fill in the next while so why not keep your skills sharp and also manage any boredom. Use social media to reply and post the video of how you are getting on with the skills and Challenge. Have some fun. Weekly prize for the best video. Email your videos to

Links to online content

Video created by Paudie and Cormac O’Brien on key skills. Well done lads, next stop the Oscars.

Hurling Skills

Football skills


Gaa Cúl Camps online booking is now open. The GAA are planning to go ahead with all camps across the Country for the moment. This will be reviewed in line with all information coming from the HSE and the Government.

Rebel Óg Coaching are hosting online coaching camps on YouTube next Tuesday to Friday. There will be two separate camps. The Junior camp 4-8 year old's will begin at 10am and the Senior camp 9-12 year old's will begin at 12pm. Each camp will run for 30 minutes. They will cover movement skills, hurling and football in each session so have your football and hurley ready. 

To get involved go to the Rebel Óg YouTube channel and subscribe. 

Don't worry if the times do not suit you. They will be stored on the channel so you can take part anytime. 

Ladies Football

We hope everyone is staying safe while staying at home. We all know it is difficult and frustrating as we are all so used to playing and training every week. Fingers crossed we will all see each other very soon. In the meantime keep up the practice at home. Get plenty of fresh air from your garden and remember to take some rest. A quote from our Junior Coach Pat "there are 3 things to succeed in life. A wish bone, a back bone and most of all a funny bone. Stay safe, stay home and most of all stay smiling". 

Midleton Camogie

While we find ourselves in unprecedented times and have other priorities at the moment other than Camogie we encourage you all to stay fit and healthy and keep up the practice at home.  Some of our girls, in particular our older girls and the very very active under 11s have sent in some fabulous displays of skills and handwork to Sinead our PRO that can be viewed on our social media pages.  We would like to encourage other groups to do the same.  If you are at home working hard, do send in any video clips or photos that we can use to promote all the good work that’s being done.

The Camogie committee would like to take this opportunity to wish you all well, we hope you all have a happy, healthy and peaceful Easter break.  The current circumstances can be overwhelming for the majority of people and little people in particular will need reassurance and explanation for the adults around them. Please use these notes and the links provided within for more information on how to deal ‘with it all’ or how to ask for help in these testing times.  In the meantime, following the HSE guidelines and stay safe

Healthy Club Programme

Stress Control

HSE, Health & Wellbeing will be offering a Stress Control programme online, commencing Monday the 13th April 2020, via This 3 week programme for adults aged 18 and over is free of charge to the public and delivered by Dr Jim White, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, the creator of the programme (for more details see attached).This programme has been proven successful by GAA Clubs in the past:

Mental Health

Mental Health Ireland has a number of hints and tips for coping at this time around the Five Ways to Wellbeing but also dedicated resources for people with mental health illness and their family/carers.

Mental Health Supports and Services:

Being Active at Home

Sport Ireland:

Age & Opportunity has created a series of live 15 minute seated physical activity session for older adults. The sessions are live on Age & Opportunity Facebook page on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. The videos are also available on their website:

HSE PCC Physiotherapy Services Cork

CARA Centre:

Healthy Eating

The Alcohol Forum produced an infographic which aims to get people to think about their drinking at this time and it offers some key messages and tips, please see attached.

Please see some healthy eating tips from the World Health Organisation:


One of the great unsung heroes of Midleton GAA was laid to rest this week. In common with most other towns in the county in the early 1970’s the GAA in Midleton was not nearly as prominent or organised as it is today. Around this time Eddie Fitzgerald, along with another great inspiration, Brother Moran, took charge the underage teams in the school and from there the seeds were sown that were later to reap great rewards in the late 1970’s, the 1980’s and beyond. 

Eddie and Brother Moran would organise training and games with the teams travelling to the games by bus, leaving from the school. After a final the team was taken in to Tom McCarthy’s Pub in the Main Street (now Finin’s restaurant) where rock shandies were the order of the day. Eddie also acted as minor secretary in the 1970’s and was a selector along with Paddy Fitzgerald and Seán Hennessy when the minor team reached the County final in 1972, losing to The Glen in a game that was played in Cobh. As well as his activities with the minors Eddie was also a prominent member of the fund raising committee nominated to raise funds for the pavilion construction in the early 1970’s.

As an example of the legacy of Eddie and Brother Moran, 8 of the Midleton under 14 County Shield winners of 1974 (see photo below), under the captaincy of Tadhg McCarthy went on to win senior county medals with the club 9 years later. The other players in this group were Kevin Hennessy, John Hartnett, Ger Power, Gerry Smyth, Jude O’Keeffe, Ger Fitgerald, and David Crotty. Indeed the vast majority of the County winning senior panel of 1983 started their hurling careers under the tutelage of Eddie and Br. Moran. 

Later, with his wife Bridie, he travelled all over the country to Midleton games and took great pleasure in seeing the young players, that started their careers under his guidance, reach the ultimate success on the playing fields of Ireland.

To his wife Bridie, we offer our heartfelt condolences and sincerely regret that unfortunately in the current circumstances we can only offer our sympathies from a distance. Eddie, from all of us that came under your influence, we and the GAA in Midleton will be forever grateful for your contribution to the club. 

The club would also like to extend our sympathies to Tom Kelly General Manager of Market Green shopping centre on the passing of his father William Kelly. Tom is a great supporter of Midleton GAA club and assists the club with sponsorship and access to the Shopping centre whenever the request is made. Like Tom William had a great love pf the GAA and loved discussing and analysing the matches particularly those involving Killeagh and Cork teams.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha.


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