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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

25 April, 2021

The key messages for this week:

  • COVID-19 Update… Safe Return to Play
  • Lotto Jackpot will be €20,000 next Friday night
  • Training starts for Juveniles, Camogie & Ladies Football

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

COVID Update & Return to Play

Next week will see our non-adult teams return to non-contact training with adult teams expected to follow shortly. This has been a much anticipated time and there is naturally an immense sense that the ‘new normal’ has parts of the ‘old normal’.

Midleton GAA ‘One Club’ have put together a comprehensive guide to the Safe Return to Play for all teams. All parents, players and coaches are asked to familiarise themselves with these guidelines including, but not limited to, the Health Questionnaire requirements and access maps to the 4 facilities being used by Midelton GAA ‘One Club’.

Many thanks to those members who have worked behind-the-scenes to put these ‘Return to Play’ structures in place.

Key links:

Midleton GAA ‘One Club’ Guide and other Return to Play information: covid-19-news

FOIREANN (was Return to Play) where Health Questionnaire can be completed prior to each training session/match (FYI, use the same email and password from last year): &

Mega Lotto Results


  • Our Lotto Jackpot was €20,000 the numbers were 6,7,29, Bonus 3. There was no winner of the jackpot so next Friday’s jackpot will remain €20,000.
  • 4 Lucky Dip Prize Winners this week were Cyril Condon, Bernadette McGrath, Lynda Quirke, Donal Keohane JNR.
  • In total Midleton GAA will give out local business vouchers to the value of €3,800 every year as part of our “Shop Local, Buy Local” campaign.
  • How to play: Tickets are on sale at Pat Walsh Paints, Chadwicks, Frank Murphy Butchers, Murphy’s Pharmacy, Crowley Butchers,  or buy online, through Klubfunder, at select your numbers and number of draws to play. You can buy an annual ticket by selecting “50” from the “Number of Draws” to Play dropdown.



Finally after months of lockdown and restrictions we can at last welcome back our underage girls on to the pitches. From our newly formed U6 group right up to our minor  team,  training  will resume for these girls , with our first training sessions  kicking off on Tuesday 247th April 2021. Unfortunately, it will be a little longer for our Adult/Junior Team. But we will get there. As always, new members are most welcome to our club, please contact us if your daughter would like to join.

To allow your daughter to train safely please follow the guidelines your coach will provide you with. Also can we ask that every parent/guardian can fill out a health questionnaire  prior to each training session, please use your Login details from last year ( same username and password). Each girl should bring their own water bottle as we can no longer permit sharing bottles at the moment.  Finally, all we ask is that each and every girl will have FUN as we return to the sport we all love. Best of luck to all and enjoy making new memories together.

Ladies Football

Dust off your boots. Get your gumshields and gloves ready. 

Midleton Ladies Football Training for All Girls U18 returns on Monday 26th.

Details are as follows:

U8, U10, U12 & U14 — 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Ballinacurra GAA Club

U16 & Minor — 7pm to 8pm at Midleton GAA Club

Health Questionnaire MUST be completed before training Log onto using your Username & Password from 2020.

Looking forward to seeing you all.


This week will see a commencement of training for the Juvenile teams within the club. Team managers will be sending training dates and time details to parents. Parents are asked to review the ‘Return to Play’ guidelines and in particular understand that a Health Questionnaire must be completed before each training session. To complete sign into FOIREANN ( was Return to Play) and use the same email and password from last year.

Junior Infants Fe6 Boys

The new recruits to Midleton GAA in the form of our Fe6 group will be starting this week. If any parents of Junior Infant Boys want training session details they can contact our Juvenile Secretary Michael Carroll at  / 086-8362218.

Facilities Maintenance & Cleanup

The facilities in Clonmult Memorial Park, Park South and St Colman’s Community have been maintained superbly during the lockdown and have been given a 'Spring Clean' over the last few days in advance of Monday's return to play. Many thanks to those members who have made this happen. 


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