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Planning Granted for New Club Development

20 July, 2018

We are very excited to announce that we have received Planning permission within the last week for our New Development at Park South, Youghal Rd.

This major development will greatly improve our playing facilities for our existing members and also allow us to cater for the future generations of hurlers, footballers and camogie players to come. A lot of work has been done behind the scenes for many years and we are now very excited to share our good news with our community.
Over the past 30 / 40 Years many attempts were made at acquiring land but unfortunately for various reasons they all fell through, we now have a site which is equi distant from the Town centre as our existing Clonmult Memorial Park site. In time this Community driven project will have a 1mile walkway loop facilitating the health and well-being of those within the wider community through all year round participation in physical activity.

Phase 1 of the development costing approx €750,000 will feature development of an entrance, car parking area and 3 pitches, one which will include Flood Lighting. We expect to commence works late Aug / early Sept 2018.
The club purchased its current location at Clonmult Memorial Park in 1958. Our current facility, comprising of only one playing pitch, is widely recognised as one of the best facilities in the country. With the population of the greater Midleton area set to increase to over 20,000 in the next 10 years the need for extra land was paramount and was a major focus of the club’s membership. The club is grateful to the local schools for sharing their facilities as without this cooperation we could not function.

The launch of the club’s 5 year Development Plan 2015-2020 was another exciting chapter in the history of the Club. The fact that this is a now collaborative effort after we established our ONE CLUB between the Adult , Juvenile, Camogie & Ladies Football Club's makes this one of the most exciting and progressive events in the club’s history and bodes well for the future.

Finally congrats and well done to all those in the Facilities Committee who were behind the project led by Chairman Alan Donegan, Liam Ryan, Seamus Murphy, Vincent Reddy, Liam Wade, Gerard Fitzgerald, Sean Corcoran, Jim Cagney, Coleman Quirke and John Fenton who has been hugely active for years trying to reach this end goal.

Exciting times ahead .......................... Up the Mapies

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