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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

12 July, 2020

The key messages for this week:

  • Do The Right Thing For You & Your Club
  • Fixtures…Latest Update & Keep an eye on Fixtures Section of website for upcoming fixtures
  • Launch of New Magpies Mega Lotto in new exciting format on 31st July
  • Crane Drop Draw date set for 24th July. Sold and unsold tickets to be returned before Sunday 19th July

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

Safe Return to Gaelic Games

We have put together a comprehensive Plan for the safe return to Gaelic Games in Midleton.

This can be accessed at


Prior to return to training, ALL adult players, team personnel and parents/guardians of Juvenile players are required to:

  1. Complete the certified eLearning Module covering the main aspects of the Guidelines. This is available to complete at
  2. Complete the GAA Health Questionnaire once online, which will be available through\. Please note that this questionnaire must be completed prior to return to training for the first time.
  3. Using the same online system, all Adult players, parents/guardians of underage players and team personnel will be required to declare, before each training session/game, that their health status has not changed. This must be completed a minimum of 1 hour before the time of the session.
  4. For Insurance purposes membership needs to be paid before training. Go to membership to see how much you need to pay

            Midleton GAA H&F Account,Bank of Ireland, Main Street, Midleton

            Account Number;    29207259  

            Sort Code;       90-29-01

            IBAN; IE16 BOFI 9029 0129 2072 59

            BIC;   BOFIIE2D

            Please write players name in the reference section.

Please also note that the club grounds are closed to activities other than those planned and supervised under the Safe Return to Gaelic Games protocols.


Please keep an eye on the Fixtures Section of the website for updates on matches over the coming weeks.

See below updated details of Senior & Intermediate Championship fixtures as well as Junior Football/Hurling and U21B Hurling format and fixtures.

Other Fixture for the Diary: Minor Hurling Championship V Glen Rovers on Wed 22nd July in Midleton @ 7.30pm.


Another great week which saw huge numbers training across the week.  The schedule is getting very busy for the coming weeks much to the delight of all of us involved.  Before the season takes off finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has worked hard to get us back to action, committee members, coaches, parents and the girls themselves.  We would most especially like to thank all those behind the scenes, all those who contribute to facilities, cutting the grass, painting the gates, organising the signage, organising the supply of sansitiser and timetabling the very many players across the club.  We would also like to thank the ‘one club’ for continued cooperation in scheduling training and games and especially those who have rearranged their own timetable to facilitate camogie.  It is very much appreciated.

Huge thank you to Mark O Sullivan aka Fanta for giving up his time and putting the U11’s through an excellent training session in Ballinacurra during the week. The girls really enjoyed it! Mark has made himself available as coaching officer for our club this year and will row in with coaches from U6 right up to our Minor and Junior groups as requested by coaches who want a different training session to the norm and maybe even learn a few new skills along the way.

A historic occasion for Midleton Camogie Club as we fielded our first ever Junior Team on Thursday 9th July Midleton travelled to Cobh GAA and put on a fantastic display of Camogie skills which saw both teams battling it out to the very end! Well done to you all girls and your coaches! Onwards and upwards ladies. We look forward to your next match. Thanks to Cobh Camogie for a great game!

Just a gentle reminder to please re confirm your daughter’s health on before each training session and log it under whichever team your daughter is training with on the day. Please note this should be done at least one hour before training, thanks in advance for all your cooperation.

As always keep an eye on our social media channels for upcoming matches and training details and more camogie news.


Many thanks to all the Parents for completing the e-learning course and Health questionnaire. Please remember to click the "reconfirm" button in the Health Questionnaire before each training session and any matches. 

Cúl Camp Gear. For those who would like to buy the Cúl Camp gear, you can do so on the Cúl Camp website.

Ladies Football

Our Junior, Minor and U16 Football teams are turning up in fantastic numbers for training. It is great to see such enthusiasm at each session. They will return to training this Monday evening on the main pitch at 7.30-8.30pm. Please come early to allow time for hand sanitising before you enter the pitch.  

-One week to go for all our other groups. Start back July 20th-  U8, U10, U12 & U14 will train Monday nights in Ballinacurra GAA Club from 7pm to 8pm. Can Parents please remember to do the e-learning course if you have not done so yet and register your daughter on the Health Questionnaire.

A text will be sent to all groups before training recommences. 

Launch of New Magpie MegaLotto

  • First Draw Date 31st July
  • Jackpot starting at €15,000 & rising to €20,000 by €200 per week
  • Weekly Jackpot: 4 numbers: 3 numbers from 30 and 1 from 10
  • Weekly Consolation Jackpot: 3 from 30 to win €400
  • 4 Weekly spot prizes of €25 (2 cash & 2 Local Business Vouchers)
  • First Year: €100 Voucher per Month Draw for Yearly in advance subscribers
  • Tickets €2 & 3 for €5

How to sign up for €100 annual subscription

  • Send €100 to Club Bank Account (see below details) put your name followed by the word LOTTO as the reference
  • Send GAA Treasurer an email address on with 3 numbers from 1 to 30 and 1 number from 1 to 10

Midleton GAA H&F Account, Bank of Ireland. Main Street, Midleton

Account Number: 29207259

Sort Code: 90-29-01

IBAN: IE16 BOFI 90290129207259


Great Crane Drop

Thanks to all who very generously supported the GREAT CRANE DROP fundraiser earlier this year. Unfortunately due to the COVID crisis we were unable to hold the St. Patrick’s Day festival with the crane drop & other activities. Therefore all tickets sold for the GREAT CRANE DROP will instead be put in a draw to choose the winners. The same great prizes still apply. If you have any tickets (sold or unsold) please return them to your team manager BEFORE Sunday 19th July. The draw will take place on Friday 24th July.


Due to COVID 19 we were unable to collect membership due. Please ensure you give your fee to your Team Manager. Alternatively you can pay it through the Bank. Details are as follows:

Midleton Gaa H&F Account,Bank of Ireland. Main Street, Midleton

Account Number: 29207259

Sort Code: 90-29-01

IBAN: IE16 BOFI 90290129207259


Please write the players name in the reference section

Blast from the Past

Many thanks to those who are sending photographs of past teams and supporters. These are all posted through our social media channels

This week’s flavour:

Midleton Senior Panel & ‘Mascots’ prior to match against the Glen in 2003

Midleton GAA March 1981 Calendar - Victory Dinner 1978

Safeguarding & Vetting

As you will know from the notes in recent weeks coaches and all those of us involved with teams where players are under 18 years of age were reminded to update all mandatory requirements as per the national vetting Bureau Act 2012-2016 and the Children First Legislation 2015. 

Phenomenal effort has been made and I would like to thank all those who responded promptly, your cooperation is much appreciated. Further correspondence was sent this week to those outstanding. Once complete please forward evidence to Ingrid by the 21st July on 087 6374748 or  I can also be contacted on this number if anyone had any questions or needs assistance.  Many thanks to all.

Fortunately, many people were in a position to renew safeguarding and vetting online however a small number of new coaches will need to do a face to face Safeguarding workshop.  For those coaches please save the date of Thursday 30th of July at 7pm for this workshop in the club.  There are very strict guidelines associated with facilitating such a workshop under the current conditions.  Ingrid will be in touch with all those who require this arrangement in the coming days.  Only those booked in will be able to participate on the night.  There will not be another opportunity to attend one of these workshops until the Autumn. 

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