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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

20 December, 2020

The key messages for this week:

  • Lotto Jackpot reaches €18,800.
  • Club Shop closed for collections until 6th February 
  • Drive in Bingo on Sun 27th December in Park South
  • Juvenile Annual Review

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

Mega Lotto Results


  • 4 Lucky Dip Prize Winners this week.
  • The re-launched Lotto is a critical component of our fundraising for Park South. The support to date has been good, especially with the number of annual subscriptions that have been submitted.
  • In total Midleton GAA will give out local business vouchers to the value of €3,800 every year as part of our “Shop Local, Buy Local” campaign.
  • How to play: Go to click on Play Now in Mega Lotto section. You can buy an annual ticket by selecting “50” from the “Number of Draws” to Play dropdown.

Drive in Bingo

Back by popular demand is the Drive In Bingo in Park South over Christmas. Put the date in the diary.


Club Shop

Mary, Coleman and Sheila would like to thank everyone that had helped out during the year. We would like to thank everyone that supported the shop during this difficult year for all and wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

In the meantime you can still continue to order online but orders will not be available for collection until February 6th.

If you have any questions then email

Puc Fada 2020

In line with GAA guidance, this year’s Puc Fada will NOT go ahead.

Whilst understandable this is disappointing given it is a great post-Christmas social occasion and is played in memory of a great clubman, Sean Keohane. As the proceeds from this event are normally donated to the Irish Heart Foundation, we would ask members, where possible, to consider donating in lieu of the entry fee.

Link for donation:


Juvenile Annual Review

The virtual Juvenile end-of-year review took place this week with a large number of members logging in via Microsoft Teams. Thanks to each team manager who gave a summary of the year for their group. We also heard from Tracy Saunderson (Club Registrar/ acting Juvenile PRO), Martin McSweeney (Coaching Officer), Michael Carroll (Secretary), Mary Quinn (Juvenile treasurer) and Paudie O’Brien (Juvenile Chairman). Thanks also to Adult Secretary Vin Reddy who praised the work being done by all at Juvenile level, especially in what was a very difficult year. Special mention to the Fé16 players and management for their success this year in winning the P1 Hurling championship. There were some discussions regarding the imminent changes to the Rebel Óg competition in 2021 and how this may affect the different teams.

There were also some good news regarding the possible opening of the new training pitches at Park South in 2021, along with possible further development of new playing facilities. Special thanks went to all the coaches who generously give substantial amounts of time in the training and preparation of all the teams.

Thanks to those involved in the Covid/ Return to play committee and to the coaches/ parents that acted as Covid supervisors for facilitating the safe return to play for everyone. Thanks to all the parents who continue to support the club in many ways.

The following will seek appoinment from the new Executive to continue for 2021; Paudie O’Brien (Chairman) /Michael Carroll (Secretary)/ Mary Quinn (Treasurer), with the subsequent changes in 2022; Dave Cody (Secretary) and Michael Carroll (Chairman), again subject to appointment by the Executive.

It was noted that there was a fantastic response to this year’s Midleton Juvenile Christmas raffle considering the current circumstances. Sincere thanks to everyone who bought tickets and to the sponsors who donated the great prizes.

Finally, we remembered those who sadly passed away in 2020 and also those who may be unwell at this time. Nollaig Shona agus gach dea ghuí don bhliain seo chugainn.    

Fé7 Notes

The final Fé7 GAA training session of 2020 took place recently on the Astro pitch at Gaelscoil Mhainistir na Corann with a great turnout from players and coaches alike. We will take a well-earned break now for the Christmas period and return early January 2021. The boys have shown great enthusiasm throughout the year in sometimes strange circumstances with the Covid restrictions. Thanks to all the parents who continue to support the lads progressing through the club and developing their hurling and football skills. Thanks also to all the coaches who give up a lot of their free time to help out across the year in all weather conditions! We are all really looking forward to 2021where there will hopefully be more fun and games on the field of play for these aspiring young magpies. Nollaig Shona agus Magpies abú.    

Rebels’ Bounty Draw

The Cork County Board Draw has been re-name Rebels’ Bounty  2021. If you have any questions regarding your existing draw subscription or for new subscribers please contact the Midleton GAA coordinator Pat O’Brien on 086 8118815.


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