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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

29 November, 2020

The key messages for this week:

  • COVID-19 Guidelines Update…New Guidelines in Place
  • Lotto Jackpot reaches €18,200
  • Club Shop is now online through Klubfunder (please download app)
  • Midleton GAA AGM
  • Juvenile Christmas Raffle Tickets go on sale

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

COVID-19 Update

It is now more important than ever that everyone adheres to the community guidelines that have been set out in terms of social distancing, hand and coughing etiquette and also, where training is taking place, completion of the GAA Health Questionnaire prior to each training session\

Please also note that the club grounds are closed to activities other than those planned and supervised under the Safe Return to Gaelic Games protocols.

Midleton GAA Safe Return to Play Plan


Mega Lotto Results

  • 4 Lucky Dip Prize Winners this week.
  • The re-launched Lotto is a critical component of our fundraising for Park South. The support to date has been good, especially with the number of annual subscriptions that have been submitted.
  • In total Midleton GAA will give out local business vouchers to the value of €3,800 every year as part of our “Shop Local, Buy Local” campaign.
  • How to play: Go to click on Play Now in Mega Lotto section. You can buy an annual ticket by selecting “50” from the “Number of Draws” to Play dropdown.

Club Shop


You can now order and pay for club gear online through the Klubfunder Platform (you can also access this and other club items through the Klubfunder App…see item below).

Midleton GAA AGM

The Midleton GAA Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 9th December 2020.

This year we will hold an 'AGM Day' as opposed to our normal  AGM. 

Therefore we will NOT meet in our Clubhouse and it will NOT take place online.

‘AGM Day’


The Executive of Midleton GAA has decided to opt for the 'AGM Day' option.

This is for several reasons:

  • Given the Current Covid 19 restrictions and the fact that we normally have a minimum of 60 to 100 people at an AGM means we will not be able to meet in our Clubhouse until who knows when.
  • Also, from using online technology for the last number of months for Executive Meetings the view of the Executive is that it would not be suitable for our AGM for potentially 60 to 100 people.
  • The ‘AGM Day’ option is formally approved by the GAA.

Using the ‘AGM Day’ formats means we will observe the normal formalities of a GAA AGM but not have an actual AGM Meeting in person or online.

  • We will circulate Notice of the AGM, Nominations and Motions papers to members in the normal way.
  • Any votes that are required will take place by post.
  • All reports e.g Secretary's and Financial as well as Chairman’s Address to the Meeting will be circulated to members in advance.
  • On the actual AGM Day the election of Officer’s and the new Executive Committee is confirmed.
  • Any question regarding content of reports may be submitted in writing to the new Executive Committee who will reply within 7 days after of the AGM Day

A more detailed overview of running Club AGMs remotely with Liam Keane of the GAA's Rules Advisory Committee can be seen if you use the link below. The total video is 18 minutes long and the relevant piece about ‘AGM Day’ starts at minute 6 on the video. 


Our U16 group will finish up training this weekend on Sunday 29Th November. A little later than we would normally but the girls and the coaches were happy to keep training after what was a very successful season for this group. We would like to thank the U16 Management Team and their backroom Team for all their dedication and commitment during this difficult year. They can all take a well-deserved break now. Other groups that are still training will wind down next weekend. No stopping these girls and their coaches.

Ladies Football

At the recent East Cork Board AGM our Club Delegate Deirdre Kenny was once again nominated and elected as their PRO for the coming year. Well done to you Deirdre. We are delighted that our Club is represented by you. You have done an excellent job this year in raising the profile of all Clubs in the East Cork area. 

Looking forward to 2021 we will be looking for help from Parents for some of our younger groups. If you can give an hour at training please let us know. You can contact Tracy on 087-6625544. 


Christmas Raffle Tickets

Tickets have gone on sale for the upcoming Christmas Raffle. As you can see from the below ticket, there is a fantastic array of prizes. Tickets will be distributed in the usual manner for those that are still training and for those not training they can be bought online at:


Midleton GAA Club would like to offer our deepest sympathies to Stephen, Ann-Marie, Tim, Dan, Kate and John O’Sullivan on the recent passing of Stephen’s mother Kathleen O’Sullivan. The thoughts and prayers of all members and players are with you at this difficult time.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam

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