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Midleton GAA News 5th October 2012

08 October, 2012

Fe 21 A Hurling Semi Final
Midleton 1-12  Duhallow 1-13
Our Fe 21 A hurlers relinquished their County title on Sunday evening last when they went down by the minimum to Duhallow. This was a repeat of last years final but on this occasion we did not come away with the win. The game was played in Mallow under lights and the weather deteriorated as the game went on. Duhallow had the better of the first half exchanges and led by 0-09 to 0-07 at half time. They got a goal immediately from the restart and we were under serious pressure. In fairness to the lads they responded positively and aided by a goal from Pa White we turned the game around and led at that stage. However we failed to score again despite having several good chances. Duhallow’s  free taker was their main source of scores and his total of nine from frees was to be a big factor in their win. It was a disappointing game to loose but overall Duhallow were more consistent over the hour.
Team: T Wallace; P O’Farrell, P O’Mahony, N O’Regan; E Mulcahy, K Burke, L Coughlan; C Walsh, P Nagle; N Madden, I Kennefick, C Lehane; B O’Sullivan, P Haughney, P White. Subs: M Abernetty for N Madden , S Moore for P Nagle

Congratulations to Orlagh Farmer & Cork Ladies Football
Midleton GAA Club would like to congratulate Cork Ladies Footballers and Orlagh Farmer on retaining their Senior All Ireland crown on Sunday last. Orlagh had an outstanding game and her non stop work rate was capped with a fine point in the first half. I am sure her performance will be a source of inspiration for all the girls in Midleton Ladies Football Club.

Minor Football Championship
Midleton 0-08 Boherbue 1-08
Our minor footballers bowed out of the championship last weekend after a brave display. We had to give way to Boherbue  on the day. At half time the teams were level at four points each. The decisive score came when our opponents goaled midway through the second half. Midleton performed well throughout but failed to avail of point scoring opportunities which ultimately made the difference between the teams. We had strong performances from Pat Joe, Darren Quirke, Conan Finegan and Kevin Kruschell. Well done to all involved on reaching the semi final.
Team: Josh Deady, Gavin Bagnall, Keelin Kennedy, Tom Motherway, Billy O’Shea, Alan Stanton, Conor Moloney, Pat Joe, Padraig nagle, Darren Quirke, Elliott Mulcahy, Rob Williams, Conan Finnegan, Sean O’Farrell. Subs Used: Kieran Moloney, Andy Rea, Michael Abernethy.

Junior C Hurling Championship
Midleton 2-05  Lisgoold 1-06
Our Junior C Hurlers started their defence of the East Cork title with a hard fought win over neighbours Lisgoold in Lisgoold last Sunday week . Midleton had the better of the first half exchanges and led by four points. 1-03 to 0-02. The second half continued in the same vein. Midleton shot a good number of wides and had to battle to the end to ensure victory against very game opponents. In the end two points was the winning margin. Midleton now face Bride Rovers in the semi final on Saturday 13th. Time and venue to be confirmed. Midleton had a number of players unavailable who should be available for selection the next day.
Team:Coran Swayne, John Shanahan, Joe Collins, Tom Motherway, Brendan Ferriter, Barry Fitzgerald, Liam Walsh, James O’Leary, Alan Stanton, Gearoid Fitzgerald (captain), Aengus Cotter (0-02), Stephen O’Brien (0-01), Niall Walsh, Dara O’Keefe (1-00), Brian Fitgerald (1-00).
Subs used: Muiris Quirke (0-02), Paul O’Brien and Shane Goulding. Also.Brian Rossiter.

Co. Board Draw
The County Board Draw was a good fundraiser for the Club in the past year. It has been decided to put a focus on it again for the coming year in an effort to further boost the numbers participating. A ticket for the 12 monthly draws costs €100 and this enters you into a draw every month with excellent prizes on offer every month such as a car or larger cash amounts. From the Clubs perspective €45 out of every €100 goes directly to the Club. You can buy a ticket  directly online or through Midleton GAA Club. If you wish to buy please contact either John Fenton, Vin Reddy, Pearse McCarthy or Steve Sheehan. Further details are available on the Midleton GAA or Cork County Board websites.

Finbarr Furey at Midleton GAA Pavilion
Crux Entertainment presents Finnbarr Fuey in Concert at Midleton GAA pavilion on Saturday 13th October. Special guests on the night will be The Buachaills and Hard Cases. Tickets priced at €15 are now on sale. Contact Crux Entertainment on 021 4355482, Midleton GAA at 021 4631933 or Ian O’Brien.

Midleton GAA Gym Membership
Our Gym is now open for Membership. Priority will be given to applications from existing Club Members and their immediate families, former players with Midleton GAA and Members of Midleton Ladies Football Club. Further details are available on our Club Website and from any Club Officer. Gym Membership for an existing Member of Club is €70, Non GAA Club Member is €100 and for spouse or sibling of Gym Member is €50. Contact Ian O’Brien or John Fenton for further details.

Juvenile Notes

Fe 11
On Saturday 6th of October our Fe 11 hurlers made the trip to Kilkenny for hurling challenge games against Erins Own and O’Loughlin Gaels.
It was an early start with the bus leaving the club at 9am and we were in Castlecomer for 11.30 ready for the first game.
We played a single game because of the small numbers in Erins Own which required us to substitute players regularly which upset our teams momentum
Somewhat. Having said that Erins Own were a very strong team and their claims of being in the top three in Kilkenny proved realistic. Midleton struggled throughout the match and although we made some fine individual scores we weren’t as cohesive as we could have been. To give the lads their due they battled hard in the second half and slowed the advance of their opposition but the damage had already been done. By match end our lads learned a lesson and although disappointed they vowed to step up in their next game.
After some lunch and a chance to see some intermediate hurling Kilkenny style we made our way to O’Loughlin Gaels, home of Midleton’s new midfielder Peter Dowling.
On this occasion thanks to their large numbers we played two teams each. Fortunately we came out in both games hungry for a result and prepared to fight to get it.
Our lads seemed more tuned in for these battles and with a calmer approach seemed to play to their strengths. Midleton were up in both games and as both teams seemed to be enjoying themselves the games went from 30 minutes a side to extra time of 10 minutes a side.
While our lads were exhausted they refuelled with some sandwiches and Fizzys to give them the energy to sing their way home.
We did make one pit stop in Dungarvan for some McFood (as part of their balanced diet) before arriving back to base at 9ish pm.
Our thanks go to Erins Own for arranging their game at short notice and for their hospitality. Our thanks also to O’Loughlin Gaels for welcoming us to their club and for providing a great afternoons entertainment.
Of course we can’t forget our own. To Mick the (patient) driver and the parents of the kids who travelled we say thanks. To the nameless parent who umpired on his back in Castlecomer we say thanks and promise not to tell anyone. Last but not least we want to congratulate the kids themselves for the effort they put in for the day.

Fe 10

Last Thursday the 4th of October our FE10 hurlers travelled to Church road to play Blackrock. We arrived with a panel of 33 players with Blackrock having similar numbers. We played 3 games of 11 aside and it turned out to be a great evenings hurling. What a great sight to see so many young Magpies and Rockies give a display of great skills and effort on a mild October evening. On Saturday the 6th one team went to Fermoy to take part in a blitz with the host club Fermoy, Tramore, Kilta Óg and Midleton. Our lads did great in all games showing some great teamwork and getting great scores in all games.
Also on Saturday we played host to visitors Erins Own in glorious sunshine in Clonmult Memorial Park. Our opponents brought two teams so we played two games consisting of 15 minutes for each half. We swapped opposition for the last half an hour giving all players a full hour of hurling. Credit is due to both teams for their skill in striking, blocking & hooking. We also saw some great scores from both teams. Special thanks to all the parents who came out to support their young hurlers. But more importantly a big thank you to our Fe 9 stars who turned out to help their club mates .Thanks also to Erins Own who were very sporting as always.
Well done to all the lads over the last few days. It is clear from watching them hurl that they are improving every week. Thanks to all the teams we played and the parents for the continued support. Next up is our blitz on October the 20th at Midleton CBS where we will be playing Dungarvan, Blackrock and Douglas. Details will be sent by webtext.




Fe 9
Match Report
: Midleton’s Fe 9 Hurlers traveled to Na Piarsaigh on Sunday 8th October

Nineteen of Midleton’s finest  Fe 9 Hurlers traveled to Fair Hill on Sunday 7th October for a blitz hosted by the Na Phiarsigh club. The blitz was in memory of Liam Connery. The other teams involved  were Inniscarra, Blackrock and the hosts, Na Piarsaigh. Conditions were a bit chilly but who could complain once it was not raining. The Midleton panel was divided in two. First up for Midleton was Inniscarra. It took the boys a little time to get into their stride but once up and running all players performed heroically. Once the Inniscarra matches were over it was straight onto Na Piarsaigh and then the last matches were against two very competitive Blackrock teams. All Midleton hurlers performed to an exceptionally high standard in a morning of very competitive matches. This panel of hurlers have played a lot of matches over the last number of weeks and their discipline, dedication and stick work has been nothing short of amazing. Finally I would once again like to thank all of the supporters and team coaches who help with these games. 

Fe 6
Our Fe 6 hurlers and footballers travelled to Fermoy on Saturday 6th last. It was our first outing abroad so there was great excitement on the bus journey to St Colemans Grounds.
25 players along with their fans enjoyed a lovely sunny morning. We fielded three teams all playing at the same time. The exchanges were lively with plenty of goalmouth action. Hurling was played for 2 10 minute aside halves followed by a football match. We acquitted ourselves very well in both codes although we could do with a bit more practice with “the big ball”.
The lads can be very proud of their performances with the teams displaying great levels of skill and commitment which augers well for this young group of Magpies.  Well done to all involved and thanks to Fermoy for a well organised event.
Our last outdoor session is this Saturday morning 13th October. From November 3rd we will be back indoors.

Juvenile Registration Day
Registration day for Midleton juvenile players will take place on October 13th  from 10am to 12.30pm. There will be some changes to the fee format this year which will affect Fe 10’s to Fe 16’s. Letters will be given to all players over the next week or so.

Used Gear Sale
Following last years great success, the juvenile club will once again run a used gear sale. We would encourage parents to bring used gear (jerseys, helmets, tracksuits, boots etc) to your team manager at training. This gear will be sold at great prices on registration day.

With the nights closing in and the main pitch closing for the winter team training venues and times will be changing. Keep an eye on the club website on the juvenile team page for your child’s team training times. Team managers will update teams by text when changes are due. We would ask parents to encourage their children to practice during the week even if the weather is bad, parents can practice catching the ball indoors. Please remember to bring your €2 to training sessions. This money is vital to keep the juvenile section of the club funded.

Club Gear
Midleton GAA juvenile club will have a shop with club playing and leisure wear open each Saturday morning in the clubhouse.

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