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Midleton GAA Club News

05 January, 2014

Midleton Hurling & Football Notes

Happy New Year
The Club executive would like to wish all our players, members, supporters and sponsors a very Happy & Healthy New Year both on and off the playing pitch.

Senior Hurling Championship
Our senior hurlers have been drawn against our East Cork rivals Erin’s Own in the Championship, this will be the first time we will have met in it. The losers will play either Glen Rovers or Killeagh in the second round.  

Victory Dinner Dance
The date and venue for our victory Dinner dance has been confirmed for Saturday 8th of February in the Midleton Park Hotel. Details of ticket sales, price and band will follow shortly.

Garda Vetting
For 2014 all Club Coaches need to Garda Vetted. If you have previously submitted a form & have not received a reply, the reason may be that the Youth Officer in Cork may have received the form 3 months after the date it was signed by you, deeming it invalid. All managers of every team at this stage have received forms for their teams coaches/selectors who are not vetted. The deadline to return your form is the 17th of Jan 2014 in the provided envelope (sealed) to Pearse McCarthy. We would ask everyone for their cooperation. Any queries you have please don't hesitate to contact Pearse on (087) 289 0888

Club Calendar
A limited number of Club Calendars based the successful year are still available for sale. It features many pictures of teams and events captured throughout the year. These are available from the Club Bar/Shop, Pat Walsh Paints, O’ Farrell Butchers, Mary Quinn and Coleman Quirke. 

Midleton man in USA soccer squad
Shane O’ Neill representing the Colorado Rapids has been called up to the pre World Cup USA soccer squad by the manager and former German great Jurgen Klinsmann. Shane who is 20 years of age is the son of former Midleton & Cork player Colm and Christine his mother herself an accomplished sports person is the sister of the Kerry great Maurice Fitzgerald. We will follow Shane’s career with interest and wonder if Martin O Neill and Roy Keane will rue his loss!     

45 Card Drive
Fancy yourself as a Card shark or just want a night out, then next Friday night be in the Club @ 9.30pm when a 45 card drive will take place. Everybody is welcome to attend.

Lotto Jackpot was €4,200 no's were 6,10,15 & 25,  No winner
Lucky Dips were Dina O’ Donovan, Veronica Kennefick, Marie Devlin, Tomas Cotter & Ingrid Mc Donough, next week’s Jackpot €4,400.
BINGO for all every Friday night in the GAA Pavilion from 8pm, guaranteed Jackpot of 1,000 euro!!

Dancing next Saturday night 11th of January is to Muriel O’ Connor

Juvenile Notes

Sean Keohane Memorial Long Puck 
On St Stephens’s morning a huge crowd turned out for our annual Long Puck competition which is now in memory of the late great Sean Keohane.
The buses both full to the brim left the GAA Club at 9.30am and travelled to Lisgoold, the Juveniles along with their coaches and parents began at the usual location and the Adults started from the village. The conditions were tough with a number of icy patches on the road and the temperatures were close to zero but these didn’t deter the hardy souls who had waited all year long to challenge themselves in this fun event.
This year due to Health and Safety guidelines the club had requested that as many participants as possible wear Visibility vests and thanks to all those who done so and particularly to John Fenton who over saw this. After almost two hours of ball striking and covering the 6km route two teams were deadlocked on 69 shots each when they reached the finish line close to the East Cork Oil depot. Everyone travelled back to the club for the much anticipated "puck off" between the team of Padraig O' Shea, Christopher Dunlea and Aidan Ryan against the team of Oisin Cotter (newly engaged congrats from us all), Pat Fox and Cormac Beausang. After six wonderful strikes (I'm going to be kind to Oisin & Foxy!) it was the huge strike from Aidan Ryan across the main pitch which saw his team take the honours.
Everyone enjoyed the soup and roll afterwards before the presentation of prizes took place. Juvenile Chairman Cormac Quirke thanked all the participants, helpers and the Keohane family for attending this event in honour of the late Sean. Liam Ryan Chairman and Padraig O ' Shea of the winning team also thanked everyone. Christopher Dunlea captain of the winning team accepted the Memorial Plaque on behalf of his teammates.

Street League Indoor Hurling
Each Saturday morning at the Community Centre, coaching for boys continues and new members are always very welcome. The times and dates are as follows:
Junior Infants restart on Saturday 11th from 12 – 1pm
Senior Infants 11-12 & First Class 10-11am restart on Saturday 25th.

Team Training
All team managers will soon be in touch with players by text regarding Training schedules very soon.

Club Gear
The Club shop is open each Saturday morning from 11am to 12, a full selection of gear is available with umbrellas and school bags added to the range. Anyone looking for Birthday presents can also buy gift vouchers from the club shop. Full price lists are available on the club website 

Social Media
Keep up to date with all of the Club’s activity’s by following us on our Website, Facebook and Twitter. 

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