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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

25 October, 2020

The key messages for this week: 

•    COVID-19 Guidelines Update…New Guidelines in Place
•    Are you a #Magpies4ParkSouth and will you #Walk4ParkSouth? 

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

COVID-19 Update

It is now more important than ever that everyone adheres to the community guidelines that have been set out in terms of social distancing, hand and coughing etiquette and also, where training is taking place, completion of the GAA Health Questionnaire prior to each training session\

Please also note that the club grounds are closed to activities other than those planned and supervised under the Safe Return to Gaelic Games protocols.

Midleton GAA Safe Return to Play Plan


Email Update from Cork County Board 21st October 2020

A Chara,

At last night's County Executive meeting, it was decided to postpone the unplayed 2020 Senior and Intermediate County Finals until the weekend of March 5th-7th, 2021, at the earliest.

It is planned to give adequate notice of games to clubs, with an appropriate window of preparation, in advance of finals.

2020 County Championships at Junior A, B and C level will resume on February 5th-7th at the earliest, with a brief period to be allowed for the completion of Divisional championships in early February where required.

There will be no Club games at adult or juvenile level permitted at County Board or Divisional level before Friday, February 5th.

Club U21 competitions for 2020 will not be completed.

Adult club training is prohibited from midnight tonight and non-contact training for school children outdoors in pods of 15 is permitted for the obvious associated health benefits and should not be competition focussed.

Again, we thank all members and your families for your patience during this uncertain time. Stay safe.


Members are urged to continue to comply with the current government restrictions in relation to Gaelic Games below, taken from the‘Resilience and Recovery 2020 – 2021: Plan for living with COVID-19’ framework.

Level 5 will be in place from midnight tonight, Wednesday, October 21st for 6 weeks, with a review after 4 weeks.

Sports and exercise

Gyms and leisure centres are closed.

No training or matches should take place except:
Non-contact training for school children, outdoors in pods of 15
Behind closed doors, inter-county Gaelic Games

Is mise,
Le mór mheas,
Caoimhín Ó Donnabháin,
Rúnaí / Príomh-Oifigeach Feidhmiúcháin,
CLG Coiste Chontae Chorcaí .

Kevin O'Donovan,
Secretary / CEO,
Cork GAA.

Family Fun Walking Half Marathon

The inaugural Midleton GAA Walking Half Marathon takes place up to 31st Oct 2020. This Virtual only event is part of the fundraising effort for our new playing facilities in Park South. More details and link to registration at walking-half-marathon. Many thanks to Blackwater Motors who are the Main Sponsors of the Event.

Are you a #Magpies4ParkSouth and will you #Walk4ParkSouth?

Q: Do I have to do the whole 21km and in one 'go'? 
A: No. You can do whatever distance you wish over as many walks as you want until 31st Oct, 1km, 5km, 10km, 21km. Set your target, plan it out and put on your walking shoes.

Q: Do I have to walk the course in Midleton? 
A: No, find you own course at home or away

Q: Do I have to be a Midleton member to do the walk? 
A: No, we welcome all to register for this fun event.

Q: What are the prize categories? 
A: Prize categories (mainly fun) will be announced on social media as the event progresses



Ok, I want to do it. What are my next steps!!
1.    Register. Click here.
2.    Challenge. Join the Facebook Group ‘The Magpie March’. Click here. Post that you have registered with hashtags #Magpies4ParkSouth and #Walk4ParkSouth tag and challenge other friends or families to do the same.
3.    Walk. Complete all or part of the 21km. You could recreate the walk wherever you live.
4.    Post. Post your experience, distances, and selfies completed walks with hashtags #Magpies4ParkSouth and #Walk4ParkSouth. 

Prizes for the good and the zany. Speed is good but it’s also a fun event. The walk finishes on 31st October so keep an eye out on social media for special Halloween prize categories.

Mega Lotto Results

•    Yearly players draw winner
•    4 Lucky Dip Prize Winners this week
•    The re-launched Lotto is a critical component of our fundraising for Park South. The support to date has been good, especially with the number of annual subscriptions that have been submitted.
•    In total Midleton GAA will give out local business vouchers to the value of €3,800 every year as part of our “Shop Local, Buy Local” campaign.
•    How to play: Go to click on Play Now in Mega Lotto section. You can buy an annual ticket by selecting “50” from the “Number of Draws” to Play dropdown. 

Club Shop

Healthy Club

One Good Coach

On World Mental Health Day, the GAA, LGFA, and the Camogie Association, in partnership with Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health, made available a new online youth mental health promotion course called One Good Coach™. The One Good Coach™ workshop is now available to access on the GAA’s e-learning platform at

Autism In Sport

Cork Sports Partnership are running a Workshop entitled "Austism In Sport"


The workshop will run on the following dates: Thursday 19th November & Wednesday 2nd of December 6.30pm to 9.30pm.  Midleton GAA Club members can avail of a discount by using the code "Corksportsability".


Fé12 Notes
Our Fé12 teammate Kacper got a big surprise recently on his return from Dublin with a very generous gift of a Cork GAA jersey signed by the Cork senior football panel - thanks so much to Ian McGuire (Cork senior football captain) and Pat Kelly for organising this very thoughtful gift. We all wish Kacper well for his upcoming operation in Dublin in November.

Fé8 Notes
Our lads Started Winter Training last Wednesday night in Midleton College and will Continue with Training each Saturday for a few more weeks.
There were good numbers at Gaelic Football Training on Saturday and all the lads enjoyed the Drills that were set up for them. Hopefully all going well we will be able to keep this going.Thanks to all the Parents and Coaches for their great Commitment within this group.

Junior Infant Registration
It was decided in the best interest of safety to cancel our Junior Infant Registration. A new date will be announced in 2021.

Juvenile training for other groups will take place in line with the current Covid guidelines. Times as usual will be sent by text by the team manager. 

Ladies Football

As our last training session was unfortunately cancelled last week due to the poor weather we will train on Bank Holiday Monday in Ballinacurra from 5-6pm for the U8-14 age groups. Please note the time change. Let's make it a spooky one and wear your Halloween costume �� ��

Due to the current Lockdown our Annual AGM will now take place via Zoom on Nov 20th at 7.30pm. Members and Parents are welcome to attend. Please send your email address to our Club Chairman Paddy Corcoran on and a link will be sent to you. This is a great opportunity to have your say and give some feedback. 


Our AGM this year will be a virtual event due to Level 5  restrictions, this will be scheduled  on Friday 13th November at 7.30pm. This AGM is a great opportunity for everyone to find out more about our Club and Ideas and plans for the year ahead are discussed  . If any parent/member would like  to be included in this year’s AGM please email our Secretary Claire Griffin at  before the 10th November. In turn a link will be sent to you so you can join us on the night. Please keep an eye on our Social Media Channels for further Details.

Junior Infant Registration
Our Regisration day for the Junior Infant Girls unfortunately has been postponed until early 2021, again details will be posted on our  Facebook Twitter and Instagram pages as to  when and how to register your daughter for the coming year. So any budding future Camogie Stars can hang their boots up for another while and we can look forward to a fresh year with lots of fun ahead.  Training for most groups has come to an end anyway, and will resume in 2021. Thank you to all in last few difficult months.


Midleton GAA Club would like to offer their sincerest sympathies to Kevin Smith and his daughter Gabrielle on the very sad passing of his wife Mary recently. Kevin is one of our U11 Camogie coaches and Gabrielle is part of the U11 group. Deepest condolences to all Mary’s family. May she rest in peace.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam


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