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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

31 May, 2020

The key messages for this week:

  • Congratulations to Midleton Camogie. Celebrating 6 years this week on being re-formed.
  • MyLife GAA Healthy Clubs Step Challenge starts on 3rd June.
  • Update from County Board on COVID-19 including re-stating that clubs grounds will remain closed to all play activity until 20th July.
  • Please remember you are not alone and we will get through this together. See Midleton GAA Community Assistance Program.  
  • The GAA Volunteers will also be playing an active role in the Local Authority Community Call (see below under Useful Numbers).

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.


Friday marked a special day in the calendar of Midleton Camogie Club, as it was on this day six years ago our Camogie club was officially formed! It was the brain child of Marcella O’Neill, Denis Kelleher (Chairperson at the time), Brona Halligan, Darina Foley, Rachel Walsh, Sheila Kelly and Ingrid O Riordan. From our humble beginnings in 2014 where we started small to the current day where we presently have 250 plus members! Our club has gone from strength to strength in those few short years from winning county final , hosting Feile in 2019 and having numerous girls representing out club on both divisional and county levels! In different times we would have marked this very special occasion with a celebration but sadly in our current climate this has put a dampener on things. But we have lots of great memories to carry us through! We would like to thank our girls , their parents coaches and committee members for making our little club so special. Lots of life-long friendships have been made through our love of the sport of Camogie and in supporting our girls and daughters. So ladies although our boots are hung up for the time being hopefully we will get to dust them down very shortly and we will all meet up again soon on our pitch. We will come back stronger than ever and bring even more silverware home! 


Group photograph from Launch Day on 24th May 2014

Committee members and Midleton Senior players at Launch Day. Amongst other factors, the winning of the  Senior County Hurling Championship in 2013 served as a catalyst for the re-formation of Midleton Camogie. The legacy of 2013 lives on.

Healthy Club Programme

We have seen a marked increase in exercise during the COVID period. This has taken many forms, including walking. We are seeing parts of Midleton we didn’t see before as we look for walking routes within our 5km ‘boundary’. The GAA Healthy Club Step Challenge is therefore perfectly timed. Register now with the challenge running from 3rd June to 30th June.

Email received from Cork County Board re COVID-19

From: administrator cork <>
Sent: Friday 22 May 2020 12:24
To: <>
Subject: Cork GAA - Covid 19 Circular

A Chara,

Firstly, on behalf of Coiste Chontae Chorcaí, we hope that you and your families are safe and well despite the obvious challenges which you are all facing currently.

We understand the frustration of members at present, but urge all to continue to comply with government and GAA restrictions.

This circular is in response to a few queries from clubs recently and is obviously sent while recognising that changes may occur in the future. If changes follow, we will continue to keep you up-to-date.

The statements in bold have been included in correspondence from Croke Park previously.


"On the games front, the GAA has confirmed that no official on-field activity will resume before July 20th and our facilities will remain closed until that date. 

The maintenance of facilities can continue while adhering to the guidelines and as of May 18th construction work on our grounds is also permitted and clubs should liaise with their County Committees on this issue.

As per the communication from Croke Park above, please note that GAA facilities remain closed, apart from maintenance works and the completion of construction works that have received permission from Croke Park / County Committee.

Therefore, clubs are asked to continue to prevent any playing activity on GAA facilities taking place. We are grateful for the continued contribution of club officers in this regard.

Maintenance can continue provided;

  • The persons undertaking the works should as far as possible be the usual person designated to undertake such work at the club
  • All persons undertaking works must be informed of the HSE advises re social distancing and they have to confirm they are not sick and not under any restrictions that would prevent them working as per advises from health officials. Posters / information advises should be in place at the club. These were included with previous communications and are available on 
  • Social distancing and other advises from HSE must be adhered to
  • Equipment should only be used by designated persons and will need additional cleaning after each use by the designated person. PPE must not be shared and should be cleaned after use

Clubs might also need to conduct security checks on the property and water systems may require flushing to prevent legionella.

If the persons who regularly do this work are unavailable and somebody else needs to take on these duties the club will need to ensure these persons are competent to undertake the tasks. In the event of an accident the GAA club will be considered to be their employer from a liability point of view and is thus legally responsible for ensuring that the persons undertaking such tasks are competent to do so.

In relation to CE Scheme Workers any decision for them to return to work is in the hands of their Sponsor Group and Local Supervisor and they also need to adhere to social distancing and HSE guidelines.


"The GAA Player Injury Scheme will remain closed until an official return to activity is confirmed."

Please remind all members that organised training is not permitted and that there is no player injury cover in place. Therefore, it is totally forbidden for any team management to engage in any organised sessions with their players.

Of course, if players are availing of the various coaching videos circulating on various platforms currently, this is to be encouraged, once it is clear that they do so in a personal capacity and not as part of a formal team programme.


"No official on-field activity will resume before July 20th.  We do not expect any inter-county championship games before October 1st".

The Cork County CCC are currently are currently examining revised competition schedules for games. That information will be shared when those arrangements are finalised and we have clarity around return-to-play timelines. Any changes to existing championship structures will require the approval of the County Committee.


"Clubs are reminded that membership and public liability will need to be in place for the return of our activities and are advised to process same in the weeks ahead."

We thank Clubs that have sent in monies due for Affiliation, Insurance Premiums and the Player Injury Scheme this year. We have no updates on whether there will be any rebates due to the current cessation of activity.


Allowing for the complexities associated with the current situation, the GAA continues to plan for the staging of this year's Kellogg's Cúl Camps and will communicate any changes to this approach with our clubs if they arise.

We have no further information on this matter currently.


Finally, many thanks to all clubs for your continued cooperation. The wonderful contribution being made by members to local communities at this time is a credit to all.

Any further queries, let me know. Thanks.

Is mise,

Le mór mheas,

Caoimhín Ó Donnabháin,

Rúnaí / Príomh-Oifigeach Feidhmiúcháin,

CLG Coiste Chontae Chorcaí .

Kevin O'Donovan,

Secretary / CEO,

Cork GAA.


Midleton GAA Community Assistance Programme – Covid-19

Even though we are entered a phased re-opening, if you need assistance then please contact anyone on the list of volunteers.  We will keep these numbers available for the Community to utilise.


Midleton Magpie Profile

We have seen some great Midleton Magpie Profiles over the past few weeks with all the various sections of the ‘One Club’ being represented. Please check out our social media channels for all profiles posted.

Best answer of the week: Tiago Fleming…more fitness training by coaches

Many thanks to those who have already sent their profiles in. A gentle nudge to those who have not.

How to access the form…go to homepage, click on ‘Magpie Profile Form’ link in top right hand corner, download form relevant to you/your child, fill our and return to your representative. If you don’t have their email address then you can send it to GAA PRO at

Blast from the Past

Many thanks to those who are sending photographs of past teams and supporters. These are all posted through our social media channels

In the club notes I won’t repost them all but will pick one or two by way of flavour.

This week’s flavour:

Press photographs of 1983 County Final


Safeguarding & Vetting

Following recent club notes in relation to safeguarding and vetting as well as individual correspondence to those who need to fulfill their requirements there has been an absolutely fantastic response.  Thank you to everyone who got motivated and began renewal of one or both. It is much appreciated.  It is important to us as a club that we comply with mandatory requirements and the response from members to this request gives us a great sense of club spirit.  The environment in which our players train and play is important to all of us. Thank you

Any person who carries out a role of responsibility such as coaching, managing or training underage teams, or any team that has a player under 18 years of age must be vetted. The National Vetting Bureau Act 2012-2016 makes vetting a statutory obligation and therefore applies to everyone working with children.  Vetting can be done online through the E Vetting system

The GAA is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all young people who wish to participate.  In an attempt to achieve this for all our underage players, coaches must complete a Safeguarding 1 workshop as highlighted in the Children First as one of the mandatory requirements.

Correspondence has gone out this week to coaches who are required to update either vetting or safeguarding.  Anyone who has completed Safeguarding 1 in 2016 can do an online refresher.  Please follow the steps if this applies to you;


2.   The GAA

3.   Child, Welfare & Protection

4.   Safeguarding tutors

5.   Online Safeguarding 1 refresher

This will take approximately 45 mins but it can be done at a time that suits you best.  Once completed please send the date and cert number to 087 6374748 or to  For anyone who completed Safeguarding 1 prior to 2016 there will be a workshop facilitated in the club when we are again back to business.

Midleton GAA have always been compliant with regard to these mandatory requirements so it would be great to have everything updated during this period of closure so we will be ready to get back to action without delay when the time comes.  Anyone with any queries/difficulties please contact Ingrid at 087 6374748.

Ladies Football

Thank You to those who have sent pictures and videos of how they are filling in their days. They can be viewed on our Social Media pages. Text, Whats App or Viber Tracy on 087-6625544 or email

If you would like to include something from your daughter. Keep up to date with all news on our Social Media Pages- Facebook Midleton Ladies Football, Twitter @midleton_LGFA and Instagram midletonlgfa


Midleton GAA club would like to offer our sincere condolences to Michael O’Connell, his children (Caoilfhionn, Cathal, Donal, and Hannah) and the wider Delaney and O’Connell families on the sad passing of Siobhán Delaney. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

Midleton GAA club would like to offer our condolences to Carmel Doocey and her family on the passing of Dick Doocey 3 days short of his 90th birthday. Dick from Tourin in Co. Waterford farmed in Killeagh for many years before the family moved to Suncourt. A great GAA man and an avid follower of the games Dick was a regular in Clonmult Memorial Park when games were played there. A member of the great Touring team of the 1940/50’s he was on the team when Tourin beat Mount Sion in the Waterford County senior hurling final of 1950.  Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

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