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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

14 June, 2020


The key messages for this week:

  • The GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association have issued joint guidance on a safe return to Gaelic Games. There have been some updates to this guidance The club grounds will remain closed until Phase 3 on 29 June.
  • The club is currently working on our plans for the safe return.
  • Crane Drop to be re-formatted and re-scheduled as a draw. This will take place over the coming weeks.
  • Date for the diary for Fun Walking Half Marathon...October Bank Holiday Weekend
  • Feel free to send in old photos for our ‘Blast from the Past’ series.

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

Plans for Safe Return to Gaelic Games

On 5th June the GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association, outlined details of the joint plan for a safe return to Gaelic games for the three organisations. On 12th June the GAA, LGFA and Camogie Association published updates to its earlier published plan.

It is important for players, parents/guardians, coaches administrators to read the full details, that can be found at:

Summary of the plan from 5th June

Updates to the plan from 12th June

The club as a whole are currently working through the specific plans for all sections of the club and these will be shared once finalised. These plans are currently a ‘work in progress’ as we receive updated guidance from Croke Park.

Blast from the Past

Many thanks to those who are sending photographs of past teams and supporters. These are all posted through our social media channels

In the club notes I won’t repost them all but will pick one or two by way of flavour.

This week’s flavour:

Presentations to Barry Fuller & Vincent Flanagan, captains of the Midleton Football & Hurling team of 1962 that won Junior and Intermediate counties respectively.

Update: Crane Drop

The Crane Drop that was due to take place on St Patrick’s Day will be re-formated and re-scheduled in the coming weeks. It is envisaged that the winners will be selected by a ‘draw’. Whilst this falls short of the spectacle that we had planned, we are conscious of the new COVID-19 reality and a desire not to delay selecting winners unnecessarily. More to follow. 

Date for the Diary: Fun Walking Half Marathon

Date for the Diary: October Bank Holiday Weekend (24th or 25th or 26th TBC)

Event: Fun Walking Half Marathon, with social distancing, involving multiple loops Mill Road, North Relief Road, Cork Road, Mill Road.

More details to follow over the coming weeks and months as we as a club and community plan this event.

Gaelic Games Coaching Survey 2020

You will have seen details of this survey on our social media channels during the week. It would be great if coaches within the club could take some time to respond.

This is a study of Gaelic Games Coaches. We would like to know more about your involvement in Gaelic Games as a coach, the role you play, your experience of coach education, as well as how you see your future in coaching. We intend to use this information to help us to plan for, and implement coaching and coach education initiatives into the future. We intend to produce reports for each code and County and also to contribute to some academic publications. All responses are completely anonymous. You are free to withdraw from this study at any time.


Return to Training: As you are all probably aware, Midleton Camogie Club will hopefully resume training towards the end of June. There will be a few changes in place and a different approach to training as we know it, but all coaches will be in contact with their parent/player groups over the coming weeks once facilities and time slots have been finalised.

So, at long last we will all be able to meet up soon and return to the sport we all love. Please keep an eye out on all our social media channels for regular updates on exact dates for return. In the meantime if you have any questions or worries about same please contact Ingrid or Sinéad through our social media pages and we will be happy to help

Juvenile & Ladies Football

As we all look forward to returning to training on a phased basis keep an eye out for information over the coming weeks regarding this. The club as a whole are updating the return to play on a weekly basis and once we have a plan set out we will inform all Parents on the Guidelines. 

Safeguarding & Vetting – to do before re-opening

Following recent club notes in relation to safeguarding and vetting as well as individual correspondence to those who need to fulfill their requirements there has been an absolutely fantastic response.  Thank you to everyone who got motivated and began renewal of one or both. It is much appreciated.  It is important to us as a club that we comply with mandatory requirements and the response from members to this request gives us a great sense of club spirit.  The environment in which our players train and play is important to all of us. Thank you

Any person who carries out a role of responsibility such as coaching, managing or training underage teams, or any team that has a player under 18 years of age must be vetted. The National Vetting Bureau Act 2012-2016 makes vetting a statutory obligation and therefore applies to everyone working with children.  Vetting can be done online through the E Vetting system

The GAA is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all young people who wish to participate.  In an attempt to achieve this for all our underage players, coaches must complete a Safeguarding 1 workshop as highlighted in the Children First as one of the mandatory requirements.

Correspondence has gone out this week to coaches who are required to update either vetting or safeguarding.  Anyone who has completed Safeguarding 1 in 2016 can do an online refresher.  Please follow the steps if this applies to you;


2.   The GAA

3.   Child, Welfare & Protection

4.   Safeguarding tutors

5.   Online Safeguarding 1 refresher

This will take approximately 45 mins but it can be done at a time that suits you best.  Once completed please send the date and cert number to 087 6374748 or to  For anyone who completed Safeguarding 1 prior to 2016 there will be a workshop facilitated in the club when we are again back to business.

Midleton GAA have always been compliant with regard to these mandatory requirements so it would be great to have everything updated during this period of closure so we will be ready to get back to action without delay when the time comes.  Anyone with any queries/difficulties please contact Ingrid at 087 6374748.

Healthy Club Programme

We have seen a marked increase in exercise during the COVID period. This has taken many forms, including walking. We are seeing parts of Midleton we didn’t see before as we look for walking routes within our 5km ‘boundary’. The GAA Healthy Club Step Challenge is therefore perfectly timed. Register now with the challenge running from 3rd June to 30th June.

Midleton GAA Community Assistance Programme – Covid-19

Even though we are currently progressing through the different phases of re-opening, if you need assistance then please contact anyone on the list of volunteers.  We will keep these numbers available for the Community to utilise.

COVID-19 Useful Numbers


Midleton GAA club would like to offer our sympathies to Gerald Fitzgerald on the recent passing of his mother Margaret. Gerald plays an integral role in the new developments on-going within Midleton GAA and the thoughts and prayers of the members of the club are with him and his family at this time.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.

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