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02 March, 2015

Midleton Ladies Football News

Reminder that on Friday March 6th the Cork Ladies Football Team are holding a Table Quiz in Midleton GAA Club at 8.30pm. Tables are €40 for a table of 4. There will be great prizes on offer on the night. The All Ireland Ladies Football Cup the “Brendan Martin Cup” will be on show on the night. It will be a great photo opportunity for anyone who would like to view it up close and personal.
Midleton GAA Club was delighted to be visited by Orlagh Farmer and Orla Finn recently with the Brendan Martin Cup to promote the night.

This Year Midleton Ladies Football Club will walk in the St Patricks Day Parade along with Midleton GAA Club and Midleton Camogie Club. We are looking for girls to walk behind our banner on the day. A text will be sent out to all Parents before the day. All are welcome to return to the GAA Club for refreshments afterwards.

The Final night of the Club Development Plan took place last Wednesday. Over the next few weeks the Steering Committee will review all information gathered over the 3 meetings and will finalize a draft plan to present to the Executive Committee. On behalf of Midleton Ladies Football Club, the Camogie Club and the Senior and Juvenile Clubs we would like to Thank all participants for attending the meetings and giving your valued input and time. We will be in touch in the near future when the plan is ready for Launching.
All Clubs will be looking for your support to make the plan a success. 

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