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Midleton GAA News 24th September 2012

24 September, 2012

Juvenile Notes

Mercy Hospital Fun Walk
Saturday 29th of September will see members of Midleton GAA club meeting to walk for charity. All funds raised will go to the Mercy Hospital foundation.
The walk will take c. 45 - 60 minutes and will take a circuit around the town of Midleton.
We will be meeting in the Club with the walk to take place at 12 noon.
Sponsorship cards will be available in the club tomorrow Saturday morning during training. So if you're in for a coffee why not pick one up. Each child who brings in €10 of sponsorship will receive a Rebel Óg Watch. Any child who brings in €50 or more will go into a draw for a visit to the Red FM studios with his friends to meet the DJ's.

Juvenile Registration Day
Registration day for Midleton juvenile players will take place on October 13th. There will be some changes to the fee format this year which will affect Fe 10’s to Fe 16’s. Letters will be given to all players over the next week or so.

Used Gear Sale
Following last years great success  the juvenile club will once again run a used gear sale. We would encourage parents to bring used gear (jerseys, helmets, tracksuits, boots etc) to your team manager at training. This gear will be sold at great prices on registration day.

With the nights closing in and the main pitch closing for the winter team training venues and times will be changing. Keep an eye on the club website on the juvenile team page for your child’s team training times. Team managers will update teams by text when changes are due. We would ask parents to encourage their children to practice during the week even if the weather is bad, parents can practice catching the ball indoors. Please remember to bring your €2 to training sessions. This money is vital to keep the juvenile section of the club funded.

Club Gear
Midleton GAA juvenile club will have a shop with club playing and leisure wear open each Saturday morning in the clubhouse

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