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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

29 December, 2019

Club Development Fundraising reaches €50k

We want to thank all Club Members and Midleton Supporters for donating to date, just over €50,000 towards the Club Development at Park South. Into the coming year our fundraising will continue as we still have a long way to go. We hope to start work on the top field, which will be our main pitch, in March or so once the weather permits. So your ongoing support is greatly valued and required. 

For those of you who wish to make a donation, it would be great if you could do so before Dec 31st and allow us to avail of the Tax Rebate for 2019. Thus your donation of €250, €500 or €1,000 could become €416.67, €833,33 or €1,666.67 depending on your Tax Band. Donations can be made online to Midleton GAA Development Account: IBAN: IE73BOFI90290192599419 BIC: BOFIIE2D.

See for details on how to donate or contact for further details.


Our Club Lotto was €1,600 and there was no winner. Numbers Drawn were 7, 15, 18, 20

Lucky Dip winners were Liam Wade, Ger & Sarah O Brien, Ger Lawton, Eileen Lehane, & Sarah

Next Week’s Jackpot is €1,800

Tickets are available at the Club Bar, O’Neill’s Bar, Linehan’s Bar, Maple Leaf Bar, Niall Mac’s Bar, Wallis Bar, An Teach Beag, Frank Murphy Butchers, Pat Walsh Paints, Chadwick’s and O’Farrell’s Butchers. 

Why not play from the convenience of your home or workplace. Play your Lotto on –line for just €2. Log onto the Club Homepage - to purchase your ticket. Receive a weekly reminder to your phone to play. 

St Stephen’s Day Long Puc

The Sean Keohane Annual Long Puck, in support of the Irish Heart Foundation (€600 raised), took place on St. Stephen’s Day. Conditions, the best seen in years, were very good and this contributed to good ‘pucking’ and fun being had by all burning off some of the Christmas Turkey. 

The winners were Mickey Bok, Aidan Ryan and Declan Ryan. 

A word of thanks to our sponsors for the event Stephen Butler Coaches and Willie O Brien (Catering). 

45 Drive

45 Drive continued its success story this week with Hannah Beausang again coming out on top with another regular John Barton. Meelin man, Jim O’Sullivan also showed his class matching up with veteran Michael Morrissey to win a great final. Cards continue this week Friday Jan 3rd at 9pm in lounge . All welcome.


There was a great crowd at Bingo last Friday with enjoyment had by all and in particular a group from Sullivan Haulage who really enjoyed themselves. All prizes, jackpot &  sheet values to play for again next Friday at 8pm. Everybody  welcome. Followed by 45 cards in the lounge. Wishing Peace, Health and Happiness and a bit of good luck to all our supporters throughout 2020.

Club Shop

The shop will reopen on February 1st. Happy New Year to all from Mary, Sheila and Coleman.


Midleton GAA club would like to offer sincere condolences to:

  • Club President Monsignor Jim Killeen on the sad passing of his mother, Mary, in Christmas week.  
  • Juvenile Assistant Chairman, Willie Lawton and the Lawton family, on the recent passing of his mother in law, Eileen Bruton. 




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