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Midleton GAA Club News

20 July, 2014

Midleton Hurling & Football Notes

Junior Hurling League
Last Sunday in Newtownshandrum we were beaten in the Imokilly/Avondhu League by the host team, it really was the proverbial game of two halves, we had a great first half but the home team dominated the second and ran out winners on a scoreline of 2.18 to 3.11. Preparations now turn to our Championship game v Cobh next Saturday.
Team: Brian Rossiter, Eoin Ferriter, Oisin Cotter, Liam Clohesy, Darren Quirke, Luke Dineen, Gavin Bagnell, Billy O Shea, Sean O Farrell, Cormac Walsh, Shane Ryan, Cormac Beausang, Brian O Sullivan, Aenghus Cotter and Luke Finnerty. Subs used Niall Walsh & Josh Deady.  

Senior Hurling Championship
Last Saturday evening the draw for the Senior Hurling Championship took place and we were drawn against Douglas in the fourth round with the winners to play either Carrigtwohill or Youghal in the quarter final, date & venue to be confirmed.

Munster U21 Hurling Championship
Congratulations to Killian Burke (captain), Cormac Walsh (late substitute) & Patrick White all part of the successful Cork panel who defeated favourites Waterford last Wednesday night in Walsh park. They now look forward to the Munster final v Clare on the 30th July in Ennis @ 7.30pm.

Where : Midleton GAA grounds , When : August 14th 15th .  10am – 1pm.
Who : Open to members of Midleton Camogie Club & non member girls age 6 to 12.
How to apply : Application forms  available on website or available at weekly training sessions - Friday  7.15pm Midleton GAA grounds.  Form to be completed and returned to any the officers.  Fee to be paid on morning of camp.
Cost :  €10 – 1 girl per morning  /  €18.00 - 2 girls per family per morning  /  €25.00 - 3 girls per family per morning. What to bring:  Hurley, Hurling Helmet & shin guards (compulsory requirement)  Suitable playing gear: Tracksuit/Shorts and Football Boots  /   Rain coat in case of rain /   Sun cream should be applied before camp in warm weather  /   A healthy snack including a drink.                      
Camogie Training continues every Friday 7.15pm  Midleton GAA grounds.
New members always welcome (girls age 6 to 12). Registration forms and details available on the website or at any training session.  Helmet, hurley and shinguard required to train. Updates on  Facebook: Midleton Camogie Club. Twitter@midletoncamogie.  

Jackpot was €4,800 the no’s were 14,21,24 & 25, there was no winner, the Lucky dip winners were Paddy Dunlea, Nuala Barrett, Eddie O Sullivan, Ellen Cahill & Eily Walker, next week’s Jackpot is €5,000 thanks for your continued support. Tickets are on sale at the Club Bar, O ‘Neills Bar, Linehans Bar, Maple Leaf Bar, O’ Farrells Butchers, Frank Murphy Butchers, Pat Walsh Paints & Chadwicks.
The Lotto draw takes place each Friday in the Club.  

BINGO for all every Friday night in the GAA Pavilion from 8pm, guaranteed Jackpot of 1,000 euro!!

Juvenile Notes

Fe 8
On Saturday last 19 of our Fe8’s attended a monster football blitz in Killeagh. Three teams lined out playing 3 matches each. On a greasy surface the lads produced some sparkling football displaying many of the skills, catching, kicking, with some great scores thrown in. The opposition included Kiltha Óg, Fr O'Neill's, St Catherines, Carrigtwohill, Aghada, & Killeagh.
Panel : Callum McSweeney, Anthony O'Reilly, Conor Morley, Kevin O'Reilly, Eoghan Fraser, John Paul Mcmanus, Darragh Egan, Jake Kirby, Marcus Lamb, Fionn Kelly, Andrew Cagney, Odhran Dennigen, Thomas Dunlea,Paddy Walsh, Darragh Prenter, James McSweeney, Kyle Kandem, Kieran Connolly & Evan O'Sullivan.
Well done to all involved players, coaches and our supporters.
Thanks to Sean Crowley GDA (organiser) and to host club Killeagh.

Our hurlers take on Blackrock in the Rebel Og Premier 1 Championship next Thursday at a venue to be decided.

Lenovo GAA Skills Hub
Want to play GAA with Conor Lehane & Orla Cotter this summer then sign up for the new Lenovo GAA Skills Hub at
The Lenovo GAA Skills Hub is a nationally co-ordinated Gaelic Games programme of skill development activities taking place in a positive playing environment, providing boys and girls aged 13 -15 with the opportunity to derive maximum enjoyment from their involvement in Gaelic Games.
It will take place in Midleton on the 5th to the 8th of August costing only €50

Juvenile Training
The training and coffee mornings are back on Saturday mornings at the Main Pitch at the normal times for each group. FE13,12 and 11’s from 09.45 to 11, FE9,8 and 7’s from 11 to 12 and FE10 and 6’s from 12 to 1.
Please check website our Club website for each TEAM COACH and contact number. New players are always welcome.

Club Shop
The Club shop is open each Saturday from 11am to 12, a full selection of gear is available. Anyone looking for Birthday presents can also buy gift vouchers from the club shop. Full price lists are available on the club website  

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