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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

24 May, 2020

The key messages for this week:

  • This week has seen some lifting of restrictions. Despite this we need to maintain vigilance especially in terms of social distancing. Once further communications are received from the GAA regarding our phased approach we will pass on. In particular, it should be noted that club facilities are not open at this time.
  • Please remember you are not alone and we will get through this together. See Midleton GAA Community Assistance Program.  
  • The GAA Volunteers will also be playing an active role in the Local Authority Community Call (see below under Useful Numbers).
  • Practicing hurling, camogie and football skills will help in multiple ways. This is made slightly easier with slight lifting of restrictions.

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

Midleton GAA Community Assistance Programme – Covid-19

Even though we are entered a phased re-opening, if you need assistance then please contact anyone on the list of volunteers.  We will keep these numbers available for the Community to utilise.

COVID-19 Useful Numbers


Midleton Magpie Profile

We have seen some great Midleton Magpie Profiles over the past few weeks with all the various sections of the ‘One Club’ being represented. Please check out our social media channels for all profiles posted.

Best answer of the week: Pat Walsh, Favourite Food…Keohane’s Chips

Many thanks to those who have already sent their profiles in. A gentle nudge to those who have not.

How to access the form…go to homepage, click on ‘Magpie Profile Form’ link in top right hand corner, download form relevant to you/your child, fill our and return to your representative. If you don’t have their email address then you can send it to GAA PRO at

Blast from the Past

Many thanks to those who are sending photographs of past teams and supporters. These are all posted through our social media channels

In the club notes I won’t repost them all but will pick one or two by way of flavour.

This week’s flavour:

Last week’s headline was “Tenacious Midleton” after the semi-final win against Sixmilebridge. This week the headline is “Magnificent Midleton” after the replayed 1983 Munster Final victory over Borrisoleigh in Killmallock.

Success on the club scene were mirrored on the inter-county fields with 5 Midleton players pictured prior to the 1986 Cork victory over Galway.

Some facts about 1986 final

  • Final score Cork 4-13 Galway 2-15
  • Cork: G Cunningham; D Mulcahy, R Browne, J Crowley; P Hartnett, T Cashman (capt, 0-1), D Walsh; J Fenton (1-4, all frees), J Cashman; T McCarthy, T Mulcahy (1-1), A O'Sullivan (0-1); G Fitzgerald (0-1), J Barry-Murphy (0-2), K Hennessy (2-1). Sub: K Kingston (0-2).
  • Galway: J Commins (1-0, free); C Hayes, S Linnane, O Kilkenny; P Finnerty (0-1), A Keady (0-5, 4f, 65), G McInerney; S Mahon (0-1), A Kilkenny; P Piggott, B Lynskey, M Naughton (0-2); A Cunningham, J Cooney (0-4, 3f), N Lane (capt). Subs: PJ Molloy (1-1), P Murphy (0-1).
  • GAA barred Government ministers from the VIP section of the Hogan Stand owing to the imposition of VAT on hurleys. Instead, the seats were used by eight Catholic bishops and the Chief Rabbi in Ireland, Dr Ephraim Mirvis.
  • The above rules didn’t apply to former Taoiseach and ‘pure Corkman’ Jack Lynch. Then again he was seen as a GAA man rather than politician.
  • Cork captain Tom Cashman, in his post match speech, had a cut at the Mayor or Galway and bookmaker John Mulholland for his comments in the lead-up to the big game.
  • One of the first uses of the 3rd midfielder…Galway manager Cyril Farrell had outfoxed Kilkenny in the semi-final by deploying Pearse Piggott as a third midfielder but Cork didn’t take the bait. Instead, John Crowley was left free at corner back, thus outnumbering the two-man full-forward line of Noel Lane and Joe Cooney. Farrell abandoned the ploy after the first Cork goal from John Fenton but Crowley still produced a man-of-the-match performance.

Healthy Club Programme

The Mission of our Healthy Club Project is to empower the Club to enrich the lives of its members and the communities they serve. The clear Vision is to create a Club that is aware of the health and wellbeing needs of its members and is proactive in ensuring that all members feel valued and are enriched as a result of their engagement with the GAA. Whilst this Project has been ongoing for some time, a lot of work has been done in recent times at both national and local level to help and support our members and community in this time of need.

Part of this work has been to provide members with information. This week we would like to share some of this information with you.



  • Gambling Awareness. For those of you that missed the recent Gambling Awareness Webinar please see the Youtube link:

For advice and services for problem gambling including telephone numbers and links.


Safeguarding & Vetting

Following recent club notes in relation to safeguarding and vetting as well as individual correspondence to those who need to fulfill their requirements there has been an absolutely fantastic response.  Thank you to everyone who got motivated and began renewal of one or both. It is much appreciated.  It is important to us as a club that we comply with mandatory requirements and the response from members to this request gives us a great sense of club spirit.  The environment in which our players train and play is important to all of us. Thank you

Any person who carries out a role of responsibility such as coaching, managing or training underage teams, or any team that has a player under 18 years of age must be vetted. The National Vetting Bureau Act 2012-2016 makes vetting a statutory obligation and therefore applies to everyone working with children.  Vetting can be done online through the E Vetting system

The GAA is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all young people who wish to participate.  In an attempt to achieve this for all our underage players, coaches must complete a Safeguarding 1 workshop as highlighted in the Children First as one of the mandatory requirements.

Correspondence has gone out this week to coaches who are required to update either vetting or safeguarding.  Anyone who has completed Safeguarding 1 in 2016 can do an online refresher.  Please follow the steps if this applies to you;


2.   The GAA

3.   Child, Welfare & Protection

4.   Safeguarding tutors

5.   Online Safeguarding 1 refresher

This will take approximately 45 mins but it can be done at a time that suits you best.  Once completed please send the date and cert number to 087 6374748 or to  For anyone who completed Safeguarding 1 prior to 2016 there will be a workshop facilitated in the club when we are again back to business.

Midleton GAA have always been compliant with regard to these mandatory requirements so it would be great to have everything updated during this period of closure so we will be ready to get back to action without delay when the time comes.  Anyone with any queries/difficulties please contact Ingrid at 087 6374748.


Congratulations and very well done to our Minor Player Craig Whyte who did a 12 hour cycle on Saturday around Midleton to raise funds for Marymount Hospice. Craig raised over €5,000. A fantastic achievement and great credit is due to you and all your supporters.

Ladies Football

Our lives have changed so much during these past few weeks. Gone are the days where we would be rushing out the door to attend training. We must now adapt and fill in our days doing other activities. Keep an eye on our social media pages to see how our girls are filling in their days while we are on our break. Its great to see you all keeping busy in your own ways. If you would like to submit a photo/video please send to Tracy on 087-6625544.


Midleton GAA club would like to offer our sincere condolences to Sheila McSweeney and the McSweeney family on the recent passing of Sheila’s mother Elizabeth in Galway. May she rest in peace.  

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam

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