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TOPAZ Cash for Clubs

25 February, 2015

TOPAZ Cash For Clubs

Midleton GAA Club are now registered for Cash for Clubs

Topaz Cash for Clubs gives you the chance to WIN thousands of Euro for your local club. The great thing about Cash for Clubs is that it is open to all clubs and all communities. All club types and sizes can enter our draw and every club that meets the threshold will be rewarded. The promotion is not limited to members of a specific club, it could be GAA, rugby, swimming, salsa, drama or soccer. Ask your friends, family and work colleagues to get behind your club’s effort and start collecting for your local club today.

The Cash for Clubs initiative runs until Sunday 10th May 2015 after which date all complete entries will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win Thousands of Euro!

How does it work?

STEP 1. REGISTER YOUR CLUB: Clubs can register here (ROI) and here (NI). Upon registration you will receive a welcome email and poster for your Club.

STEP 2. COLLECT STAMPS: Once registered, members of the club and local community can start to collect stamps for fuel purchases to the value of €40/£30 or more to donate to your club.


Once your club has completed and returned 300 filled cards it will be automatically entered into the main draw. This will take place on Monday the 18th of May 2015. All clubs who return 300 completed cards will be eligible for a prize:

1 club will win €10,000
10 clubs will win €5,000
140 clubs will win €1,000
Every club thereafer will receive €250

For more information please click HERE


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