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Midleton Hurling and Football, Ladies Football and Camogie Club News

28 June, 2020

The key messages for this week:

  • The Club are welcoming back more teams from the different sections this coming week.
  • ALL adult players, ALL parents of underage players & ALL coaches MUST complete an online eLearning module and Health Questionnaire before returning to any training.
  • Details of how to pay membership that is still outstanding

Midleton GAA…at the ‘Heart of the Community’. Ní neart go cur le chéile. There is no strength without unity.

Plans for Safe Return to Gaelic Games

We have put together a comprehensive Plan for the safe return to Gaelic Games in Midleton.

This can be accessed at


Prior to return to training, ALL adult players, team personnel and parents/guardians of Juvenile players are required to:

  1. Complete the certified eLearning Module covering the main aspects of the Guidelines. This is available to complete at
  2. Complete the GAA Health Questionnaire once online, which will be available through\. Please note that this questionnaire must be completed prior to return to training for the first time.
  3. Using the same online system, all Adult players, parents/guardians of underage players and team personnel will be required to declare, before each training session/game, that their health status has not changed. This must be completed a minimum of 1 hour before the time of the session.
  4. For Insurance purposes membership needs to be paid before training. Go to membership to see how much you need to pay

            Midleton GAA H&F Account,Bank of Ireland, Main Street, Midleton

            Account Number;    29207259  

            Sort Code;       90-29-01

            IBAN; IE16 BOFI 9029 0129 2072 59

            BIC;   BOFIIE2D

            Please write players name in the reference section.

Please also note that the club grounds are closed to activities other than those planned and supervised under the Safe Return to Gaelic Games protocols.


Superb Condition of Main Pitch

Feedback from visual inspection and from those who trained on it during the week regarding the Main pitch... Put simply, it's in superb condition.  This did not happen by accident and great credit is due to Denis McSweeney, Liam Ryan and Micky (Bok) Walsh on their efforts.


Many thanks to all the Parents for completing the e-learning course and Health questionnaire. For those who have yet to do so please ensure these steps are completed before your son returns to training. 

Cúl Camp Gear: For those who would like to buy the Cúl Camp gear, from Monday you can do so on the Cúl Camp website.

Ladies Football

Our Junior, Minor and U16 Football team will return to training this Monday evening on the main pitch at 7.30-8.30pm. Please come early to allow time for hand sanitising before you enter the pitch.  

Start Date for all other groups: July 20th U8, U10, U12 & U14 will train Monday nights in Ballinacurra GAA Cub from 7pm to 8pm - we have both pitches so the U8's & U10's can train on one pitch and the U12's & U14's will train on the second pitch.

A text will be sent to all groups before training recommences. 

Can we remind Parents and Players (over 18) please ensure you follow the steps mentioned in the notes above in completing the e-learning and Health questionnaire before your daughter returns to training. 


Midleton Camogie club and committee are so looking forward to welcoming all of our girls back to the pitch at long last! We were delighted with the huge turn out from our coaches last Wednesday evening at the club for a meeting prior to all groups returning, Thank you to all for your huge commitment as always!

We began our training sessions with our Minor/Junior group On Friday night last and will continue to gradually introduce each team over the coming week between the main pitch and Ballinacurra.

Please keep an eye on our social media channels for all updates over the coming days for details on training & facilities, and also the reminders in the main notes to fill out all details online for safe return to play. As always head coaches will be in touch with parents/guardians . Thank you all for being so patient and understanding over the last few months.

See you all soon 


Due to COVID 19 we were unable to collect membership due. Please ensure you give your fee to your Team Manager. Alternatively you can pay it through the Bank. Details are as follows:

Midleton Gaa H&F Account,Bank of Ireland. Main Street, Midleton

Account Number: 29207259

Sort Code: 90-29-01

IBAN: IE16 BOFI 90290129207259


Please write the players name in the reference section

Blast from the Past

Many thanks to those who are sending photographs of past teams and supporters. These are all posted through our social media channels

In the club notes I won’t repost them all but will pick one or two by way of flavour.

This week’s flavour:


1982 Bord na Nóg U13 Hurling League Winners

1982 U21 East Cork Champions. This win in 1982 was 6 in a row. Fantastic achievement.


Safeguarding & Vetting – to do before re-opening

Following recent club notes in relation to safeguarding and vetting as well as individual correspondence to those who need to fulfill their requirements there has been an absolutely fantastic response.  Thank you to everyone who got motivated and began renewal of one or both. It is much appreciated.  It is important to us as a club that we comply with mandatory requirements and the response from members to this request gives us a great sense of club spirit.  The environment in which our players train and play is important to all of us. Thank you

Any person who carries out a role of responsibility such as coaching, managing or training underage teams, or any team that has a player under 18 years of age must be vetted. The National Vetting Bureau Act 2012-2016 makes vetting a statutory obligation and therefore applies to everyone working with children.  Vetting can be done online through the E Vetting system

The GAA is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all young people who wish to participate.  In an attempt to achieve this for all our underage players, coaches must complete a Safeguarding 1 workshop as highlighted in the Children First as one of the mandatory requirements.

Correspondence has gone out this week to coaches who are required to update either vetting or safeguarding.  Anyone who has completed Safeguarding 1 in 2016 can do an online refresher.  Please follow the steps if this applies to you;


2.   The GAA

3.   Child, Welfare & Protection

4.   Safeguarding tutors

5.   Online Safeguarding 1 refresher

This will take approximately 45 mins but it can be done at a time that suits you best.  Once completed please send the date and cert number to 087 6374748 or to  For anyone who completed Safeguarding 1 prior to 2016 there will be a workshop facilitated in the club when we are again back to business.

Midleton GAA have always been compliant with regard to these mandatory requirements so it would be great to have everything updated during this period of closure so we will be ready to get back to action without delay when the time comes.  Anyone with any queries/difficulties please contact Ingrid at 087 6374748.

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