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Family Fun Day

23 August, 2010

Hope you were there last Friday 20th August.
One of the best evenings weather wise, Bouncy Castles, face painting and DJ. Not to mention the fantastic food.

Yeah Once again The Midleton GAA Juvenile Family Fun Day turned out to be a great success. Following last years successful but wet occasion we were wondering whether we could rely on mother nature to entice people out. The kids would have enjoyed the occasion regardless of the weather. I seem to remember a mud slide last year and it being used as much as the bouncy castles. However we couldn't have asked for better weather this year and over 400 people came out to make the most of it.
Pa O'Farrell once again supplied the BBQ Tucker and once the chef's had readied it we had help from committee members, their partners and we were even lucky enough to get some help from the Mayor of Midleton. Some said he talked more than worked but we were greatful nonetheless.

By evenings end there were many tired kids and parents relaxed having a night out without having to cook.

Midleton Juvenile committee would like to thank all those who helped out from early on Friday to those still cleaning up late on Friday night.

And of course we would like to thank all those who attended the BBQ.

Roll on 2011

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