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Easter GAA Camp

21 March, 2012

As promised we have set out the details for the upcoming Easter GAA camp.

Please read the details below and Text Cormac if you are interested.

Midleton juvenile GAA Easter Camp will run on Wedndsday April 4th and Thursday April 5th from 10am to 1pm each day  at Midleton GAA Club pitch.
The camp is for boys from Junior infants upwards and the camp will be run by club coaches.
Sign in will take place each morning when boys names and parent contact number will be checked.
The cost will be €10 per day for a single child and €5 for each brother after that. The money is to be  paid each morning on arrival.
All boys need to be dropped inside Midleton GAA grounds each morning and collected inside Midleton GAA grounds each day at the end of the camp.
Please bring hurley and helmet along with a change of gear and a lunch each morning.
Any queries contact cormac quirke on 0860783365.

If you wish your son/s to attend please text Cormac Quirke on 086 0783365 with your son/s name and age.

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