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Development Works commence

22 December, 2011

Those of you who have been up in the Club recently will have seen certain areas fenced off. This is because Works have finally commenced on the development of the Squash Court area. With the Red Tape sorted it is hoped to have the works completed by St Patricks Day 2012. The Club's development committee have put a huge effort into getting things up and running and the Club would like to thank them for all their work.
The development will see two new changing rooms, a gym and a new meeting room in place.
The funding for the developments is down to hard work on behalf of the fundraising efforts within the club. Without the generosity of Club members and the Midleton Community we would not be in a position to finance these improvements. We thank you for your contributions and hope you will continue to to support future fundraisers which will in turn keep up the development of the Club.

You can see the latest photos of the development works by clicking HERE

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